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Your search resulted in 13 documents.

Über den Nagekäfer Oligomerus ptilinoides (Wollaston), Col., Anobiidae: Verbreitung und Einschleppung, Bestimmung, Lebens- beziehungen und Befallsmerkmale mit Vergleichen zu Nicobium
1980 - IRG/WP 1102
Oligomerus ptilinoides occurs in the Mediterranian and Black-sea area, in North-Africa and Asia minor as an important pest causing severe damage to dry wood. By travelling, by the immigration of people from south to north, and by accidental introductions the species tends to establish itself north of the Alps. Severe damage has recently been observed in two museums. An account is given of aspects ...
S Cymorek

Wood-destroying insects found in the Eastern Black Sea sub-region of Turkey
1982 - IRG/WP 1153
The Eastern Black Sea subregion has important forest resources. The settlement areas are scattered at the countryside. That's why a good deal of wood and timber is used in the construction of buildings without sufficient protective measures in the rural areas. In the forests and rural buildings 52 wood-destroying insect species have been specified 35 of which are new in this subregion and...
O A Sekendiz

An annotated list of Anobiidae (Col.) known from New Zealan
1983 - IRG/WP 1200
R Crabtree

Bibliography on the common furniture beetle Anobium punctatum (De Geer) (Coleoptera, Anobiidae)
1980 - IRG/WP 1104
M-M Serment, H Becker

Some observations on the damage to timbers and wooden articles in cultural properties by insects in Italy
1981 - IRG/WP 1135
The damage to cultural properties by insects, especially of wooden material, is a serious problem in Italy. We have carried out a preliminary investigation concerning the most widely distributed and dangerous insects damaging timbers and wooden articles in cultural properties. Up to now the investigation has been carried out in Toscana, Lazio and Emilia Romagna and has concerned some collections o...
A Gambetta

Threshold levels for dip treatments of chlorpyrifos for borer control
1995 - IRG/WP 95-10137
Chlorpyrifos has been used in non-pressure treatments of freshly sawn lumber and millwork for ten years or longer to control wood boring beetles. Since chlorpyrifos provides a quick kill of existing beetle larvae at the time of the treatment in solution concentrations as low as 0.05%, treaters tend to use less than recommended rates as a cost saving measure. However, laboratory studies conducted i...
R D Fears, J L Leca

Bemerkungen zu Oligomerus ptilinoides (Wollaston), (Col., Anobiidae): Über Lebensbeziehungen, Merkmale, Verbreitung und Einschleppungen nördlich der Alpe
1978 - IRG/WP 187
Oligomerus ptilinoides occurs in the Mediterranian and Black-sea area, in North-Africa and Asia minor as an important pest causing severe damage to dry wood. By travelling, by the movement of people from south to north, the species tends to establish north the alps. Bad attacks were observed recently in museums. An account is given on taxanomy, the pattern of attack and biological details....
S Cymorek

Laboratory induction of pupation and emergence in Anobium punctatum (Deg) (Col Anobiidae)
1973 - IRG/WP 219
The reluctance of Anobium punctatum to pupate and emerge outside its normal summer emergence period has led to attempts to induce pupation by artificial manipulation of the temperature conditions at which larvae are held. Infested hazel (Corylus avellana) twigs were subjected to temperature schedules which simulated some aspects of a spring climate. It was found that 40 days of a diurnal temperatu...
R W Berry

The wood-attacking insects in wooden houses of an old open air museum in southern Finland
1989 - IRG/WP 1409
Harmful insects of wood in a open-air museum were investigated in 1985-1988 by order of the National Board of Antiquities and Historical Monuments of Finland in nine old log houses. Many thousands of insects and altogether 1073 anobiids (Coleoptera, Anobidae) were obtained by window and light traps. The most common Anobiidae-species were Hadrobregmus confusus (Kraatz) 60.3%, Hadrobregmus pertinax ...
H Viitanen, M Pulkkinen

On the species problem in Nicobium castaneum (Col., Anobiidae)
1975 - IRG/WP 134
Nicobium castaneum (Oliv.) is one of the most important wood and book worms of the Mediterranean area (eg Portugal) and South Russian. It also occurs in the USA and Japan. A previous paper (Cymorek 1972) left open the question: is Nicobium castaneum one or two species? Nicobium castaneum is currently regarded as forming two varieties or sub-species - sub-specific taxa which are rarely well defined...
S Cymorek

Anobium punctatum De Geer (Coleoptera Anobiidae)
1980 - IRG/WP 1103
Anobium punctatum de Geer (1) est un Coléoptère qui appartient au sous-ordre des Teredilia et à la famille des Anobiidae. Cet insecte a été décrit pour la première fois par Charles de Geer, entomologiste Suédois dans ses "Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire des insectes" parues en 1774, sous le nom vulgaire de Vrillette pointillée et en latin " Ptinus (punctatus) griseo fuscus". ...
M-M Serment

Insectos xilofagos que dañan la madera de edificios historicos de Morelia, Michoacán, México
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10673
Pine lumber in buildings in the historic center of Morelia that exhibited signs of attack were collected between 1999 until 2007. Four species were identified from this material. Two species were in the order Isoptera: Incisitermes marginipennis Latreille (Kalotermitiidae), Reticulitermes serratus Mendez (Rhinotermitidae), while the others were from the order Coleoptera: Calymmaderus oblongus (Go...
C M A Jurado Vargas, J Cruz de Leon

An Important Wood Destroying Beetle: Anobium punctatum (De Geer) (Coleoptera: Anobiidae) and Distribution of Western Black Sea region
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10666
Anobium punctatum (De Geer) is an economically important insect species regarding damage to wooden structures. The damage mostly occurs in historic wooden buildings, wooden chairs, tables and seats. It has been determined in the Istanbul, Ankara, Ayancik, Bartin, Rize, Trabzon, Gumushane and Gole regions of Turkey. There is no detailed study in terms of the distribution of this insect and the d...
A Toper Kaygin, Y Yildiz, Ü C Yildiz, S Yildiz, S M Onat, N K Özkazanç, B Kaygin, S Çelíkyay