Your search resulted in 2 documents.
Preservative absorption response of planks of Anogeissus acuminata for plank-built catamarans
2002 - IRG/WP 02-40245
Due to shortage of timber coupled with other compelling factors, traditional fishermen along the east coast of India, especially of Andhra Pradesh, of late, are departing from conventional log type wooden catamarans. Instead, they are fabricating catamarans out of timber planks of hard woods and utilizing thermocol for buoyancy. Mostly, locally available timber of a Combretaceae species, Anogeis...
V Kuppusamy, M V Rao, M Balaji, K Rao
Durability of Anogeissus acuminata timber used for plank-built catamarans
2005 - IRG/WP 05-10551
Catamaran, the most versatile traditional fishing craft used along the Indian coast is made hitherto of solid timber of a few selected species of broad-leaved soft woods. Due to scarcity coupled with high cost of these timbers, the craft, of late, are fabricated from the wooden planks of an indigenous hardwood species, namely, Anogeissus acuminata (Yon) belonging to the family Combretaceae. Infor...
M V Rao, M Balaji, V Kuppusamy, K S Rao