Your search resulted in 28 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.
Safety clearance of wood preservatives in United Kingdom
1977 - IRG/WP 398
In the United Kingdom the principal route of control of pesticides is through the Pesticides Safety Precautions Scheme (PSPS) which is a non-statutory scheme agreed between government ministries and departments (referred to as "Departments") and associations representing the pesticide industries. The scheme formally began in 1957 covering those pesticides and related substances used in agriculture...
J M Baker
List of Members 1976
1976 - IRG/WP 552
IRG Secretariat
List of Members
1972 - IRG/WP 505
IRG Secretariat
Annotated check-list of the Limnoriidae
1990 - IRG/WP 4160
The crustacean isopod family Limnoriidae comprises 51 species of marine borers. A list of species is provided, together with notes on the species known distributions, depth ranges, and habitats. There is also a brief account of the phylogeny of the group....
L J Cookson
List of Members 1 November 1974
1974 - IRG/WP 533
IRG Secretariat
List of Members and Sponsors
1980 - IRG/WP 5115
IRG Secretariat
List of Members and Sponsors
1985 - IRG/WP 5217
IRG Secretariat
List of Members 1969
1969 - IRG/WP A 3
IRG Secretariat
List of Members and Aims 1978
1978 - IRG/WP 578
IRG Secretariat
List of Members
1970 - IRG/WP A 3A
IRG Secretariat
List of Members 1 January 1974
1974 - IRG/WP 524
IRG Secretariat
List of Members and Sponsors 1983
1983 - IRG/WP 5190
IRG Secretariat
List of Members 1975
1975 - IRG/WP 544
IRG Secretariat
List of Members of IRG and contributing workers proposed for membership in IRG/WP/ - I - Sub-group 5
1976 - IRG/WP 154
S Cymorek
List of Members and Sponsors 1982
1982 - IRG/WP 5172
IRG Secretariat
List of wood-destroying fungi in Iran
1976 - IRG/WP 138
This list gives information on the wood-destroying fungi collected in the Iranian forests and from felled logs and boards in sawmills until now. They are mainly from the region of the Caspian Forests and from the climatically dry region between Teheran and Azarbaidjan, North Iran. It is understood, that this document may help to give more knowledge outside the country about the specific problems o...
P Soleimani
An annotated list of Anobiidae (Col.) known from New Zealan
1983 - IRG/WP 1200
R Crabtree
List of Technical Documents
1972 - IRG/WP 504
IRG Secretariat
List of Members and Aims 1977
1977 - IRG/WP 565
IRG Secretariat
List of Centre Technique du Bois translations in French
1985 - IRG/WP 1273
Bordered Pit Imaging
2012 - IRG/WP 12-10773
New findings about bordered pits will be presented using the latest microscopy techniques. Three-dimensional imagery at the nanolevel is used, and short 3-D movies will shown as part of the discussion on this topic to reveal new features that have not previously been reported in pits. The implications for both microorganism penetration through lignified cells as well as preservative penetration i...
D Mascheck, B Goodell, H Militz, M Lessard, J Jellison
Developements in the EEC on the regulation of wood preservatives
1993 - IRG/WP 93-50016
There is a wide variation in the regulation of wood preservatives within the EEC, ranging from product by product authorization under persticides legislation to controls via standards, or simple compliance with basic requirements on classification packaging and labelling. During the past two years the commission of the European Communitiesn has worked on a proposal concerning the placing on the ma...
K Atkinson
Biological detoxification processes - A check list for assessments
1998 - IRG/WP 98-50120
The number of scientific publications on the biological purification of preservative treated wood implies that the biological treatment of wood wastes becomes more and more important. But an information about a successful industrial application is almost missing in all cases. Therefore the applicability of the proposed purification processes is often uncertain. The feasability of such a biological...
H Leithoff, R-D Peek
World list of wood preservative names
1980 - IRG/WP 387
The list contains names that have been collected by the author over many years and includes besides traditional wood preservatives, exterior wood finishes and preservative stains, and some preservative coatings. Generally, however, primers and paints have been deliberately excluded. The list includes also products that have been claimed as wood preservatives, as well as a few fire-retardant coatin...
R Cockcroft
List of insects intercepted in imported timbers in Italy
1983 - IRG/WP 1217
The list here reported has been derived from an investigation that the Wood Research Institute in Florence has been carrying out for some years, chiefly in sawmills, in order to verify the presence of wood insects in timbers coming from Europe, Africa, Asia, America (North, Central and South). Italy imports a great lot of timbers; during 1980, 1,320,000 m³ of logs and 495,000 m³ of sawnwoods hav...
A Gambetta