Your search resulted in 5 documents.
Studies of the distribution and degradation of tributyltin naphthenate in double-vacuum treated wood
1983 - IRG/WP 3230
The effects of forced solvent evaporation by kilning redwood (Pinus sylvestris) that has been double-vacuum treated with tributyltin naphthenate (TBTN) have been investigated. Contrary to previous studies reported, it has been shown that forced evaporation can have a considerable influence on the losses of the fungicide. It has been found that, whether the solvent is allowed to evaporate slowly or...
J Jermer, M-L Edlund, W Hintze, S V Ohlsson
Biological and chemical observation on the early fungal colonization of TBTO treated Swedish redwood stakes
1984 - IRG/WP 3311
Data on the early fungal colonization of Swedish redwood stakes, impregnated with 1% TBT0 / 0.5% dieldrin solution, both by double vacuum impregnation and immersion processes are presented. Results of chemical analyses of wood samples from the outer 1 mm of separate painted and unpainted stakes, exposed over the same twelve month period, are also discussed....
R Hill, A H Chapman, A Samuel, K Manners, G Morton
Microbial breakdown mechanisms. Mini-Symposium at the 18th IRG meeting, Honey Harbour, Ontario, Canada
1987 - IRG/WP 1327
An understanding of how micro-organisms cause chemical alternation to wood is essential for effective wood preservation. Investigation of the Microbial Breakdown of wood is a very dynamic research field and is increasing in importance as several biocides are being examined as alternativesw to classic wood preservatives. These biocides often do not possess broad spectrum activity. It is esential th...
L E Leightley
Distinguishing isolates of Aureobasidium on the basis of their ability to utilise lignin breakdown products as a sole carbon source
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10151
Wild isolates of Aureobasidium were obtained by dilution plating from a ca 20 year old painted pine window frame. Four isolates were obtained from the paint/wood interface region and four isolated from regions deep in the wood. The isolates were then used to inoculate liquid cultures containing ferulic acid, a lignin breakdown product, present as the sole carbon source. Ability of the isolates to ...
M W Schoeman, D J Dickinson
Breakdown of cellulose derivatives by cellulolytic enzymes. I. Action of fungal ß-glucosidases toward substituted PNP ß-D-glucopyranosides
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10281
The action of fungal ß-glucosidases on the methyl derivatives of p-nitrophenyl (PNP) ß-D-glucopyranoside, which were regioselectively substituted at 0-2, 0-3, 0-4 and 0-6 positions was studied. Several ß-glucosidases from brown-rot, white-rot, and soft-rot fungi and almond were used for the study. These ß-glucosidases did not act on the 2, 3, and 4-0-methyl derivatives, while the 6-0-methyl on...
T Nishimura, I Momohara, M Ishihara