Your search resulted in 10 documents.
Creosote immersion treatments in fence-posts of Castanea sativa, Pinus nigra and Pinus halepensis
1988 - IRG/WP 3488
The method of soaking in creosote was applied to fenceposts of Castanea sativa, Pinus nigra and Pinus halepensis, taking into account its easy use in the field. Absorption, retention and penetration rates were recorded and analysed. Absorption rates were higher in Pinus nigra than in Pinus halepensis, and lowest in Castanea sativa. Thin fence-posts always absorbed more preservative than thick ones...
C De Arana Moncada
Studies on the destruction by marine wood boring organisms of fishing boats in the Eastern Black Sea of Turkey
1977 - IRG/WP 427
The present paper concerns the problem of fishing boats which are attacked by wood boring organisms in the Black Sea of Turkey. The aims of this study are: 1) to identify the marine wood boring organisms attacking fishing boats in the Northern Black Sea of Turkey; 2) to identify the wood species that are used in boat building construction and assess their durability; 3) to assess the degree of att...
R Ilhan, O A Sekendiz
Improvement of wood decay resistance by tannin impregnation
1991 - IRG/WP 2380
The fungical effect of tannins is appraised after exposure of treated woods samples to wood rotting fungi. A screening-test is carried out with several solutions containing extracts of two kinds of tannins; a condensed tannin derived from Quebracho heartwood (Schinopsis sp.) and a hydrolyzable one extracted from chestnut heartwood (Castanea sativa Mill). If a fungicidal action was indeed found it ...
D Dirol, A Scalbert
Improvement in dimensional stability against water of the main Spanish timbers impregnated with water repellent organic protectors
1988 - IRG/WP 3468
The study reported the increase of dimensional stability against water of the main Spanish timbers, both broadleaved and coniferous, after impregnation in the autoclave with organic protector, with contains 33.3% water repellent waxes and resins. The proposed Spanish standard, U.N.E. n° 56541 is used, where dimensional stability of the impregnated wood is expressed as a% of that of the non-impreg...
J A Rodríguez Barreal
Main problems of Turkish wooden boat manufacturers
1982 - IRG/WP 485
The best transportation system to the eastern Black Sea region of Turkey has been since the earliest history sea transportation. As is well known the historical 'silk road' from Europe to the Far East and China was over the Black Sea and via Trabzon. During the last five years also this same connecting route has become very important for the transportation of food and industrial ...
R Ilhan
Hot and cold treatment in fence posts of Eucalyptus globulus, Castanea sativa, Pinus nigra and Pinus pinaster
1988 - IRG/WP 3489
An analysis is made of the treatment of fence-posts of Eucalyptus globulus, Castanea sativa, Pinus nigra and Pinus pinaster by hot and cold immersion in creosote. The temperatures of the different treatments were 60, 70 and 90°C. The posts were heated for one hour and then allowed to cool for 21 hours 30 min., and finally reheated for 1 hour 30 min. The greatest absorption rates were recorded in ...
C De Arana Moncada, A M Navarrete
The Effect of Heat Treatment on Water Absorption and Dimensional Stability of Anatolian Chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) wood
2008 - IRG/WP 08-40407
The heat treatment of wood is an environment-friendly method for wood preservation. This process improves wood’s resistance to decay and its dimensional stability. However, mechanical properties decrease in different ration because of density loss as a result of heat treatment. In this study, the effect of heat treatment on water absorption and dimensional stability at different relative humidit...
G Gunduz, D Aydemir
Performance of recent and old Sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa) wood
2014 - IRG/WP 14-10816
Sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa) hardwood is one of the most durable European wood species. In the present research, various aspects that could potentially influence the durability were elucidated, namely: presence of extractives, ring width, and weathering. Simultaneously, properties of wood, which was in outdoor use for 35 years, were elucidated as well. The results indicate that ring width and ...
M Humar, M Žlahtič, N Thaler
Distribution and penetration of the tung oil in wood studied by high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging
2016 - IRG/WP 16-20593
Water repellents as environment-friendly treatments are gaining their popularity as non-biocidal solutions for wood protection. One of the most important water repellents for wood besides waxes and organosilicon compounds are drying oils. Tung oil is one of the best performing oil. However, tung oil, similarly as other oils, does not penetrate deeply into wood, due to its high viscosity. In order...
M Žlahtič, U Mikac, I Serša, M Merela, M Humar
Results of the resistance of acetylated wood against marine borers at three Italian sites after five years of sea immersion
2022 - IRG/WP 22-10994
The aim of this research was the determination of resistance of acetylated wood against marine decay in use class 5 (EN 335) in temperate sea waters. The resistance of acetylated Pinus radiata (radiate pine) in solid and medium density fibreboard (MDF) panels is compared with that of the untreated Scots pine, radiata pine and other untreated wood of European species such as Fagus sylvatica (Europe...
S Palanti, F Stefani, M Andrenacci, M Faimali, I Guarneri, M Sigovini, D Tagliapietra