Your search resulted in 9 documents.
Penichroa fasciata (Stephens) (Col. Cerambycidae) a pest in wood materials
1988 - IRG/WP 1365
Penichroa fasciata (Stephens) (Col. Cerambycidae) is found to be a frequent pest occurring in hardwood in storage in Italy. This paper reports the characteristic for identification, biological features, distribution and timber liable to attack....
A Gambetta, E Orlandi.
Schrifttum über den Hausbockkäfer Hylotrupes bajulus L. (Serville) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
1977 - IRG/WP 164
H Becker
Some observations on Chlorophora pilosus Forst. var. glabromaculatus Goeze (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
1980 - IRG/WP 1119
A Gambetta
Die Verbreitung de Hausbockkäfers Hylotrupes bajulus (L.) Serville (Col., Cerambycidae). Versuch einer kartographischen Erfassung seines Vorkommens
1980 - IRG/WP 1120
Die Larven des Hausbockkäfers Hylotrupes bajulus (L.) Serville gehören in den meisten europäischen Ländern und in einigen Überseegebieten zu den wirtschaftlich bedeutendsten Schädlingen verbauten Nadelholzes. Über die historische Einstufung und über die Vermutungen der Herkunft des Käfers, über frühere und aktuelle Berichte über Vorkommen und Schäden finden sich zahlreiche Literaturan...
H Becker
Sex pheromone of the male house longhorn beetle Hylotrupes bajulus (L.) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
1995 - IRG/WP 95-10100
Since 1990 studies have been conducted with respect to the chemical communication of the house longhorn beetle Hylotrupes bajulus (L.) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). The structure of glands located in the prothorax of the beetles was examined with light and scanning electron microscopy. The analyses of different extracts from beetles resulted in the finding and identification (GC-, GC/MS-, and HR-GC/...
U Noldt, R Fettköther, F Schröder, H Meyer, K Dettner, W Francke, W A König
The geographical distribution of the house longhorn beetle Hylotrupes bajulus (L) Serville (Col., Cerambycidae). An attempt at a cartographical compilation of existing data
1978 - IRG/WP 176
The larvae of the house longhorn beetle belong to the most economically important pests of softwood in service in most European countries and also in some areas overseas. I have reported earlier regarding the history, the question of where the pest originally came from, and concerning attacks in earlier and recent times (1968, 1970, 1974, 1976). In this report an attempt has been made to compile c...
H Becker
Some observations on the damage to timbers and wooden articles in cultural properties by insects in Italy
1981 - IRG/WP 1135
The damage to cultural properties by insects, especially of wooden material, is a serious problem in Italy. We have carried out a preliminary investigation concerning the most widely distributed and dangerous insects damaging timbers and wooden articles in cultural properties. Up to now the investigation has been carried out in Toscana, Lazio and Emilia Romagna and has concerned some collections o...
A Gambetta
Über Hausbock Hylotrupes bajulus (L.), (Col., Cerambycidae), in Laubholz: Versuche mit Laubholzarten, Prüfung der Wirkung von Ligninstoffen und von Ginkgo biloba, Beobachtungen an Hesperophanes. [On House-longhorn Beetle Hylotrupes bajulus (L.), (Col., Cerambycidae) in hardwood: Investigations with several hardwood-species, tests on activity of lignin components and Ginkgo biloba, observations on Hesperophanes]
1982 - IRG/WP 1144
Hylotrupes bajulus-larvae feed and develop in softwoods, hardwood acts as a feeding poison. The reason for this is still little known. According to literature some observations contradict this established opinion and the question was raised, whether the colour-strain scutifer (= lividus) is able to live in hardwood. Testing ten European and tropical hardwood-species (following the DIN-EN test proc...
S Cymorek
Note and literature survey on the "Eucalyptus borer" Phoracantha semipunctata F. (Col.; Cerambycidae), a pest in between forest and wood
1984 - IRG/WP 1228
In the Eucalyptus-forests of Huelva, Spain, Phoracantha semipunctata appears as a severe forest-pest fatal to trees impaired by drought. The population snowballed in two and a half years, millions of larvae reduce the value of wood to "papermill-quality''. One of the intentions of the paper is to collect knowledge for help and cure. A literature survey forms the main part of the ...
S Cymorek