Your search resulted in 8 documents.
Zur Analytik von Pentachlorphenol und Tetrachlorphenol in der Luft und im Urin. [On the analytics of pentachlorophenol and tetrachlorophenolin the air and in urine]
1979 - IRG/WP 3139
Because of its excellent fungicide and insecticide properties PCP has been used for more than three decades in the field of wood preservation. Recently, however, its application has been criticized repeatedly. The motives for criticism were diseases, the origin of which was supposed to be closely connected with the use of pentachlorphenolic wood preservatives. The quantitative evidence of this sub...
A Dahms, W Metzner
A report of the Technical Recommendations documents for the Canadian Wood Protection and Preservation Facilities and an environmental study of storm water runoff from anti-sapstain treatment plants
1988 - IRG/WP 3478
With the completion of the Final draft of the Technical Recommendations (TR) documents for the Wood Preservation and Wood Protection Industry, there are naturally questions on what is expected from these documents and how Environment Canada and Provincial regulatory agencies may interact with the wood preservation industry. In general, it is expected that the Canadian Wood Preservation and Protect...
G Das, V N P Mathur
Testing of termiticides in soil by a new laboratory method with regard to Phoxim for replacement of chlorinated hydrocarbons
1986 - IRG/WP 1292
In comparison to chlorinated hydrocarbons insecticides of the compound classes organophosphates, carbamates and pyrethroids were tested according to an earlier described soil-test in the laboratory. The following termite-species were used: Heterotermes indicola, Reticulitermes santonensis and in addition Reticulitermes flavipes, Reticulitermes lucifugus, Reticulitermes speratus and Coptotermes for...
R Pospischil
Anti-fungal properties of pyrolytic oils derived from softwood bark
2000 - IRG/WP 00-30218
Thermal decomposition of balsam fir and white spruce mixed bark residues at 450°C and under vacuum (< 20 kPa abs.) results in high yields of pyroligneous liquors rich in phenolic content. This vacuum pyrolysis process has been scaled-up to a pyrolysis plant with a feed capacity of 3.5 t/h of softwood bark, which is the largest plant of this type in the world. The pyrolytic aqueous condensates ...
D Mourant, Dian-Qing Yang, Xiao Lu, C Roy
Run-off quality from sprinkled debarked logs and logs with bark from Picea abies and Pinus contorta
2007 - IRG/WP 07-50248
Storage of roundwood is necessary for efficient industrial production at sawmills and pulpmills. The need for wood storage becomes even more critical when large storm fellings create huge volumes of wood that is at risk for deterioration. In Scandinavia, the technique of sprinkling of water on roundwood is used to protect stored wood from fungal and insect infestation and drying during the summer....
M Jonsson
Influence of boiling on the quality of oakwood during peeling processes
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10656
Peeling process may be an efficient technology to transform secondary quality trees into veneer. After cutting and drying, veneer can be used for plywood or LVL production. If natural durability of these new panels is sufficient, they may be used for joinery production without preservative treatment. With the collaboration of ENSAM Cluny, Zvolen University and Pau University, we have investigated ...
M Svoradová, F Charrier, R Marchal, L Bléron, B Charrier, J-C Butaud
Changes in mechanical and chemical properties of wood exposed outdoors
2014 - IRG/WP 14-20550
The aim of this study was to investigate differences in certain mechanical and chemical properties of three different wood species (common beach (Fagus sylvatica), Norway spruce (Picea abies), and copper-ethanolamine (CuE) impregnated Norway spruce (Picea abies)) that were exposed in use class 3 (CEN, 2006) for periods between 4 and 30 months. The results show, that changes in the investigated me...
N Thaler, C Brischke, D Žlindra, V Vek, M Humar
Bacterial Degradation of Pentachlorophenol Indicated in Groundwater Undergoing Long Term In-Situ Remediation
2016 - IRG/WP 16-50318
Pentachlorophenol (PCP, Penta) is a worldwide soil and water contaminant. The pervasive use of PCP as a fungicide, herbicide, pesticide, and as preservative for wood products has led to its global distribution. It is a highly effective preventative measure for most invasive insects, bacteria, fungi, and molds, as well as an excellent wood protection treatment. This study examined a known PCP conta...
C E Stokes, H Borazjani, L Prewitt