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Your search resulted in 9 documents.

A medium for mass culturing of a bamboo boring beetle Dinoderus minutus Fabricius
1983 - IRG/WP 1182
The bamboo is a traditional product of Japan. But its susceptibility to insects is one of the most important problems. The author has found that for the determination of the effectiveness of insecticides it is very easy to obtain sufficiently numerous adults of Dinoderus minutus by using Buckwheat Cake. The Buckwheat Cake is prepared with buckwheat flour and thin paper. The author has previously f...
K Suzuki

Laboratory culturing and decay testing with Physisporinus vitreus and Donkioporia expansa orginating from identical cooling tower environments show major differences
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10184
Both Basidiomycete fungi Physisporinus vitreus (Pers.:Fr.) P. Karst. and Donkioporia expansa (Desm.) Kotl. & Pouz. were isolated from identical cooling tower environments. Azobé heartwood (Lophira alata), a very durable tropical wood species was totally deteriorated in cooling towers in a similar way by both fungi. First attempts to culture Physisporinus vitreus in laboratory circumstances sh...
J Van Acker, M Stevens

Preliminary attempts towards the development of a small scale termite rearing chamber. Progress report
1983 - IRG/WP 1203
The results suggest that there is no evidence that the volume of the rearing chamber plays a part in the settlement of a colony. These rearing chambers present a factor of productivity (final enumeration)/(initial enumeration) of roughly 2 after one year. 90% of the colony survived. This method of breeding can be considered as feasible and cheap....
M Argoud, J C Palla, R Sternalsky

Preliminary attempts towards the development of a small-scale termite rearing chamber
1982 - IRG/WP 1148
The paper suggests how to prepare a small-scale rearing chamber for termites which might be used for testing the effectiveness of possible termiticides. A technique for breeding the termites is suggested....
M Argoud, J Mocotte, R Sternalsky

The preventive actions of three commercial wood preservatives against Dinoderus minutus
1984 - IRG/WP 1233
Dinoderus minutus is one of the most common pest insects for the bamboos. For preventing the damages of this insect, the preventive treatment of bamboos with preservatives is necessary. But because of the environmental reasons, only limited insecticides are available in Japan. The author determined the preventive effects of three commercial products against Dinoderus minutus by the medium of the B...
K Suzuki

Methods of culturing Lyctidae
1980 - IRG/WP 1126
Members of the tropical countries in the IRG Sub-Group "Insects in dry wood" requested a paper on the breeding of lyctids. Compared with other wood boring insects, such as cerambycids and anobiids, the breeding of lyctids is not as difficult and time consuming. Nevertheless some basic principles have to be observed in the laboratory to obtain successful cu·ltures. It is the intention of this repo...
H Kühne

Old and new facts on the dry rot fungus Serpula lacrymans
1991 - IRG/WP 1470
The article collates some of the recent literature on the biology of the dry rot fungus Serpula lacrymans. The fungus can grow at 28°C, and maximum wood moisture is above 55%. Serpula Iacrymans degrades crystalline cellulose. The intensive production of extracellular oxalic acid is neutralized by calcium and iron. There is considerable variation among the strains with regard to factors such as gr...
O Schmidt, U Moreth-Kebernik

A rearing procedure for the house longhorn beetle Hylotrupes bajulus L
1973 - IRG/WP 228
The technique practised at the Princes Risborough Laboratory for culturing Hylotrupes bajulus is described. It is modified from methods previously suggested by German workers. A protein and vitamin enriched wood diet to accelerate larval growth is employed and larvae are subsequently given a period of cool storage to induce pupation. Adults are confined in groups with prepared surfaces for egg lay...
R W Berry

The Impact of Cryopreservation Techniques and of Water Quality on the Wood Degrading Ability of Fungal Strains: Recommendations for Maintenance and Culturing Procedures
2018 - IRG/WP 18-20636
In order to establish an optimal cryopreservation method, strains of Basidiomycete and Ascomycete fungi, which are among the most frequently used for wood durability testing, were evaluated using three cryopreservation procedures at -80°C. The main objective was to prevent decrease of the fungal virulence that may occur due to repeated routine sub-culturing procedures and to optimize the reactiva...
A Stum, M Montibus, I le Bayon, M Kutnik