Your search resulted in 3 documents.
Leaching from field test stakes. Part 2: The distribution in and leaching from different parts of test stakes
1994 - IRG/WP 94-50026
Field test stakes treated with Boliden K33 (copper, chromium and arsenic) and Cuprinol Tryck (CT86) (copper and N-alkylbenzyldimethylammoniumchloride) respectively were exposed in ground contact at two different test fields in Sweden and rejected due to decay after 2 to 28 years. Stakes treated with the same preservatives were also exposed during 7 years above ground. The test stakes have been ana...
F G Evans, B Nossen, M-L Edlund
Copper-octanoate - a potential reference preservative replacement for CCA in field test standards?
2022 - IRG/WP 22-20688
Finding a CCA reference replacement for use in standardised test methods is of high priority since this chemical is being phased out and may in the near future be banned also for experimental and approval purposes. In this paper we assess the possibility to replace CCA reference preservative with an historical copper octanoate product. There is a huge amount of lab and field test data available fo...
R Ringman, M Westin, M Klamer, A Christof, F Friese
Corrosion of fasteners in treated wood
1971 - IRG/WP 303
Surveying tests for determining the corrosion rates of some metals and alloys in wood untreated as well as treated have been made. It is shown that ordinary steel corrodes faster than other common fastener metals such as copper, brass, aluminium and stainless steel do. Zinc coatings, however, will prevent the steel corrosion effectively provided that the coatings are thick sufficiently. Catalytic ...
T Wallin