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Description of the damage produced by xilophagus Curculionides in Spain
1989 - IRG/WP 1408
Cossoninae are a reduced subfamily of Curculionidae. These xilophagus insects produce significant damage in Spain, mainly affecting old buildings. Their activity is a real problem for the preservation of the country's historical-artistic heritage. The three Cossoninae species most widespread in Spain are described for the first time as well as the conditions under which they develop. The ...
E L Rodríguez Trobajo

Some observations on the damage to timbers and wooden articles in cultural properties by insects in Italy
1981 - IRG/WP 1135
The damage to cultural properties by insects, especially of wooden material, is a serious problem in Italy. We have carried out a preliminary investigation concerning the most widely distributed and dangerous insects damaging timbers and wooden articles in cultural properties. Up to now the investigation has been carried out in Toscana, Lazio and Emilia Romagna and has concerned some collections o...
A Gambetta

Insectos xilofagos que dañan la madera de edificios historicos de Morelia, Michoacán, México
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10673
Pine lumber in buildings in the historic center of Morelia that exhibited signs of attack were collected between 1999 until 2007. Four species were identified from this material. Two species were in the order Isoptera: Incisitermes marginipennis Latreille (Kalotermitiidae), Reticulitermes serratus Mendez (Rhinotermitidae), while the others were from the order Coleoptera: Calymmaderus oblongus (Go...
C M A Jurado Vargas, J Cruz de Leon