Your search resulted in 22 documents.
IRG Conference Awards
1978 - IRG/WP 80
IRG Secretariat
Application Package - IRG Travel Award for short-term scientific missions
2003 - IRG/WP 03-60175
IRG Secretariat
Report on International Conference on Marine Biodeterioration, Goa, India, January 1986
1986 - IRG/WP 4127
At the International Conference on Marine Biodeterioration - Advanced Techniques Applicable to the Indian Ocean, there were a number of papers relevant to the aims of Working Group IV of IRG. Abstracts of these papers and a brief commentary on the conference are presented....
S M Cragg
Comments on ways of improving progress
1975 - IRG/WP 538
R Cockcroft
Guidelines for giving an oral presentation at an IRG conference
1995 - IRG/WP 95-60048
IRG Secretariat
Guidelines for organising an IRG annual conference
1995 - IRG/WP 95-60058
IRG Secretariat
Tagung der Internationalen Forschungsgruppe für Holzschutz
1976 - IRG/WP 550
O Wälchli
Report on the Organization of Future IRG Meetings
1975 - IRG/WP 63
R Cockcroft
Guidelines for giving an oral presentation at an IRG Conference
2003 - IRG/WP 03-60179
IRG Secretariat
Results of survey conducted at Orlando to solicit attendee feedback on program design
1994 - IRG/WP 94-60026
J N R Ruddick
Guidelines for Giving an Oral Presentation at an IRG-WP Conference
2012 - IRG/WP 12-60340
IRG Secretariat
The IRG48 Scientific Conference on Wood Protection - Poster abstracts
2017 - IRG/WP 17-60414
IRG Secretariat
Programme. IRG48 Scientific Conference on Wood Protection, 4-8 June 2017
2017 - IRG/WP 17-60415
IRG Secretariat
The IRG49 Scientific Conference on Wood Protection. Poster abstracts
2018 - IRG/WP 18-60433
IRG Secretariat
Programme. The IRG49 Scientific Conference on Wood Protection
2018 - IRG/WP 18-60434
IRG Secretariat
The IRG50 Scientific Conference on Wood Protection. Poster abstracts
2019 - IRG/WP 19-60454
IRG Secretariat
Programme. The IRG50 Scientific Conference on Wood Protection
2019 - IRG/WP 19-60455
IRG Secretariat
Programme. The IRG53 Scientific Conference on Wood Protection
2022 - IRG/WP 22-60501
IRG Secretariat
Programme. The IRG54 Scientific Conference on Wood Protection
2023 - IRG/WP 23-60518
IRG Secretariat
Programme. The IRG55 Scientific Conference on Wood Protection
2024 - IRG/WP 24-60534
IRG Secretariat
International co-operation in wood preservation research
1979 - IRG/WP 3145
If one searched the literature, one could find many examples of international co-operation in the field of research in wood preservation. For example, individual workers in different countries in Europe have got together and made replicate tests with both fungi and insects on various preservatives of common interest and their results have been published. Much co-operation has not had its results p...
R Cockcroft
Knowledge exchange and transfer from academia to industry in the field of wood protection research – Activities of the IRG-WP Communications Committee
2019 - IRG/WP 19-50354
The International Research Group on Wood Protection (IRG) was founded in 1969 as a structured group of like-minded scientists and technologists focused on generating knowledge of the science of wood deterioration, and novel solutions to provide sustainably and environmentally responsible products for the protection of wood-based materials. The primary function of the IRG is to provide opportunitie...
F Latorre, B Abbott, C Brischke, M Humar, D Jones, E Larnoy, L Nunes, A Preston, T Singh