Your search resulted in 3 documents.
Mercury porosimetric evaluation of the impregnability of wood
1985 - IRG/WP 2234
Mercury porosimetric measurements for specimens of a given length can not be used to evaluate the treatability of wood. The reason is that the permeability for low permeable woods deviates from Darcy's law with the specimen length. This paper presents a method of evaluation which respects this phenomenon in indicating not only pore size but also a factor describing the pore size as a func...
J P Hösli
A method for determining boron diffusion coefficients in wood
1999 - IRG/WP 99-30200
The radial unsteady-state diffusion coefficient for boron in southern yellow pine (Pinus spp.) was determined from measured concentration profiles using Egner's solution, a modified form of Fick's second law. The method uses a slicing technique to accurately determine concentration gradients with time in a single direction. The methodology should be applicable to any diffusible s...
J-B Ra, H M Barnes
The environmental chemistry of chromium: Science vs. U.S. law
1993 - IRG/WP 93-50014
The cooperation which existed among chromium chemical producers, industrial health laboratories, and governmet agencies was destroyed after 1970 by the advent of environmental activism and regulatory legislation. As prewar plants had been found to pose a serious cancer risk, this fact was the basis of EPA regulations, especially during the term of Joe Califano in HEW under Jimmy Carter. However, a...
W H Hartford