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Insect growth regulators: modes of action and mode of action-dependent peculiarities in the evaluation of the efficacy for their use in wood preservation
1997 - IRG/WP 97-30155
Up to now, the insecticides used in wood preservation are either of more or less non-specific mode of action - like boron - or of neurotoxic mode of action - like chlorinated hydrocarbons, carbamates and pyrethroids. The active ingredients actually used are primarily mirroring the progress in active ingredient research in plant protection. The methods of testing of the insecticidal efficacy of woo...
M Pallaske

The Use of Insect Hormones as Non-Neurotoxic Insecticides in Wood Preservatives
2002 - IRG/WP 02-30277
The ecdyson and juvenile hormone analogues show a clear difference in their effect on the house borer, Hylotrupes bajulus. In the tested dosages, the ecdyson analogues have only a slight ovicidal effect but a very clear effect on old larvae. With a dosage of 1250 mg/m², Halofenozid achieved 100% mortality after 27 weeks and Tebufenozid after 40 weeks. The two juvenile hormone analogues, Fenoxy...
E Graf, M Barkhoff, R Hamberg, H Büttner, M Pallaske

Assessing changes in hardness of furfurylated wood on a nano-scale to mimic levels experienced by the marine wood-boring crustacean, Limnoria
2023 - IRG/WP 23-11016
Wood-boring crustaceans and bivalves can cause severe damage to wooden structures in the marine environment, warranting the need for novel protection systems, such as chemical modifications. Furfurylation increases mechanical properties and resistance of timber species that would usually be susceptible to biodegradation by these borers, such as pine. In rapid laboratory and field testing, furfuryl...
L Martin, J Zekonyte, S Lande, M Westin, S Cragg