Your search resulted in 2 documents.
Mold susceptibility of oriented strandboard made with extracted flakes
2008 - IRG/WP 08-40402
As part of a larger study on the manufacture of oriented strandboard (OSB) using hot-water-extracted flakes, the mold susceptibility of extracted-flake and un-extracted-flake OSB was assessed using the standard ‘mold box’ test. OSB made with extracted flakes was much less susceptible to mold. This suggests that the extraction of hemicelluloses and other carbohydrates from wood for the producti...
A M Taylor, O Hosseinaei, Siqun Wang
Determination of boron levels in solution and in treated wood
1994 - IRG/WP 94-20041
Four methods of measuring boron levels in solutions were investigated. The methods compared included the azomethine-H method which is commonly used in soils and plant tissues, the methods outlined in the Australian Standard AS 1605 (1974) and in Wilson (1958), and the atomic absorption spectrophotometry method. Defect-free radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) sapwood and wood flakes were treated to...
F J Romero, P Vinden, P Kho