Your search resulted in 2 documents.
Field performance of novel antisapstain formulations
1997 - IRG/WP 97-30125
The effectiveness as antisapstain formulations of combinations of oxine copper (Cu-8), carbendazim, hexaconazole, cyproconazole, flusilazole, didecyldimethyl ammonium chloride (DDAC), an alkanolamine borate (SB), benzalkonium chloride (BAC), 2-n-octylisothiazolin -3-one (isothiazoline) and p-chlorophenyl-3-iodopropagilformal (CPIPF) was determined for freshly sawn, block-stacked radiata pine in th...
D R Eden, R N Wakeling, C M Chittenden, J G Van der Waals
A study of the efficacy of antisapstain formulations containing triazole fungicides
1993 - IRG/WP 93-30021
This document gives efficacy data for antisapstain formulations based on triazole fungicides. A rapid (3 week) laboratory screening method was used to determine the efficacy of six triazole fugicides alone and in combination with other fungicides. Field trials were carried out of three promising formulation types, each comprising a triazole compound as the primary fungicide in combination with a s...
R N Wakeling, N P N Maynard, R D Narayan