Your search resulted in 14 documents.
Termite and decay protection - A superficial barrier field test
1983 - IRG/WP 3257
Samples of Pinus radiata were given a superficial barrier treatment and installed in the ground at two sites for five years to observe termite and fungal attack. The three best treatments of the series were Denso petroleum tape, Koppers hot dip tar enamel, and Arquad 2C/75 alkyl ammonium compound. As new fungicides and insecticides become available they are being added to the test using the same s...
R S Johnstone, W D Gardner
Effect of a penta emulsion on the service life of Douglas fir, heartwood posts
1978 - IRG/WP 3112
C S Walters
The identification and preservative tolerance of species aggregates of Trichoderma isolated from freshly felled timber
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1553
The surface disfigurement of antisapstain treated timber by preservative-tolerant fungi remains a major problem in stored timber. Identification of a range of isolates of Trichoderma based on microscopic morphological characteristics was found to be imprecise due to the variable nature of this organism. In addition, studies to compare visual (morphological) characteristics of these isolates with t...
R J Wallace, R A Eaton, M A Carter, G R Williams
Soil treatment tests with the three products of boric acid for the prevention of the hyphal growth of Serpula lacrymans
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3693
Laboratory soil treatment tests were conducted for the evaluation of fungicidal or fungistatic effect of boric acid products against Serpula lacrymans. Boric acid products tested were the following three: a thickened boric acid solution in triethanolamine, boric acid-silica gel complex granules, and a nonwoven fabric laminated with a polypropylene film and coated with boric acid granules on one si...
S Doi, A Yamada, Y Mineki, M Mori
Characterization of Poria indoor brown-rot fungi
1995 - IRG/WP 95-10094
The heterogeneous group of "Poria" fungi causing brown rot in buildings and also of wood in ground contact comprises Antrodia vaillantii, Antrodia serialis, Antrodia sinuosa, Antrodia xantha and Tyromyces placenta. These fungi have similar morphological appearance and biology. Their nomenclature has a confusing history and is still not uniform. As a consequence, misinterpretations may occur. SDS p...
O Schmidt
Characterization and differentiation of wood rotting fungi by protein and enzyme patterns
1999 - IRG/WP 99-20177
Standardized tests for wood preservatives are performed with defined fungal strains to ensure comparability between laboratories. However, changes of virulence and variation of results are well known events. Suitable and reliable measures to control the stability of the test organisms are necessary.Comparison of protein patterns produced by SDS-electrophoresis was already described by several auth...
U Schoknecht
Direct analysis from wood of the blue stain fungi Aureobasidium pullulans and Hormonema dematioides by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis
2006 - IRG/WP 06-10595
Aureobasidium pullulans and Hormonema dematioides are the two organisms used in the EN 152 laboratory method for determining the effectiveness of preservatives against blue stain in service. The literature concerning the disfigurement of surface coatings and exposed timber in-service states that A. pullulans is the dominant blue stain fungus, due to its frequent isolation from stained material. In...
M J Ray, D J Dickinson
Characterization of protein patterns from decayed wood of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) by proteomic analysis
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10654
The primary biotic decomposers of wood belong to the basidiomycetes. The members of this group can attack and biodegrade both wood in the forest and in service. By the time wood decay is visible, there has already been a significant loss of strength. The identification of basidiomycetes and other organisms on wood only tell us what is present, not what is actively decaying the wood. When organisms...
Young-Min Kang, L Prewitt, S Diehl
Effectiveness of sol-gel treatments coupled with copper and boron against subterranean termites
2009 - IRG/WP 09-30493
Wood modification by sol-gel treatments shows many positive features, like antimicrobial properties. Wood was also successfully modified with alkoxysilanes enhancing its resistance against soil micro-organisms. Silver, copper, zinc compounds, boric acid or organic biocides such as alkylammonium compounds may be added to the sol-gel to enhance its biocidal properties. Nevertheless, if some of these...
E Feci, L Nunes, S Palanti, S Duarte, G Predieri, F Vignali
Nano structural properties of La2O3-Beech Wood Flour With XRD technique
2012 - IRG/WP 12-40607
This research was considered to study various properties of the Lanthana mixed with beech wood flour (BWF), as a new structure. For this purpose, La2O3 powders in the BWF have been obtained by sol-gel method using simultaneous gelation of all cations. La2O3 - BW samples are analysed by X-ray diffraction .The obtained results showed the formation of nano crystalline La2O3 phases. The average crys...
M Ghorbani Kokandeh, I Bahamni, A Bahari
Study of in-situ gel polymerization established by Si-O-Si framework within wood micropores
2014 - IRG/WP 14-40672
Sodium silicate was used to form Si–O–Si framework by gel process and optimize the effect of the methylolurea impregnation on poplar wood. The modifier cured within the wood micropores by in-situ gel polymerization during the kiln drying. The results showed that treated wood acquired higher mechanical strength, but lower hygroscopicity. New positions of the XRD peaks appeared which caused by s...
Zeng Bi, Qian Lang, Heyu Chen, Junwen Pu
Polyamidoamines (PAA) functionalized with siloxane fragments as potential wood preservatives
2015 - IRG/WP 15-40708
Polyamidoamines (PAAs) utilized in this research were obtained by the reaction between N,N-methyl-bis-acrylamide (MBA) and Ethanolalmine (EtA) and/or aminopropytriethoxysilane (APTES). Different combinations between them were tested as wood preservatives against fungal decay. First, in situ impregnations of PAAs, with the reagents above described in different ratio, were performed and the effectiv...
S Palanti, G Predieri, E Feci, L Bergamonti
Biocidic effect of nano metal fluorides against brown-rot fungi
2019 - IRG/WP 19-30732
Metal fluoride nanoparticles are promising because of their low water solubility, which reduces the need for fixatives required in widely used active ingredients in wood preservatives such as copper and boron. The effectiveness of nano metal fluorides was compared to sodium fluoride treated wood samples. Wood specimens treated with homo-dispersed sols of MgF2 and CaF2 were tested against brown-rot...
S M Usmani, K Klutzny, I Stephan, E Kemnitz
Monitoring uptake and penetration of pesticides during impregnation of pine (Pinus sylvestris) and spruce (Picea abies) wood with bio-based microemulsion gel formulations
2020 - IRG/WP 20-30756
Even in dry state wood is susceptible to biological degradation. Preservation against biological decay in exposed conditions is conventionally achieved by impregnating the wood with pesticides applied at professional and industrial levels. Impregnation of wood with preservatives is a complex process that involves wood macro- and microstructure, and the physical characteristics of woods. Here we fo...
D Messaoudi, K Ruel, J-P Joseleau