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Inhibitory extractives or nutrients? Mould growth on coated heartwood and sapwood of Pinus sylvestris and Gleditsia triacanthos
2013 - IRG/WP 13-10806
Sometimes mould fungi grow over weathered coated sapwood, whereas the coated heartwood is not colonised. Two factors may be responsible for these differences: Either the larger content of nutrients in the sapwood, or the content of biocidal extractives in the heartwood. In this study the factors for the difference in mould growth on coated heartwood and sapwood of Pinus sylvestris (Scots Pine) and...
D Lukowsky, N Buddruhs

Effectiveness of Gleditsia triacanthos heartwood extractives as wood protector
2019 - IRG/WP 19-10950
In Uruguay, Gleditsia triacanthos (known as honey locust) is an exotic tree species categorized as invasive; it produces severe ecological impact as it displaces native species, causing changes in the structure of the native forest community. Being extremely difficult to control, it is widely distributed through Uruguay and neighbouring countries. However, one way to mitigate its negative impact i...
C M Ibanez, C Mantero, P Raimonda, X Pintos, E Pereira

Gleditsia triacanthos tannins for wood coatings
2023 - IRG/WP 23-40995
When used outdoors or in high humidity interiors, wood highly is susceptible to decay by biotic and abiotic agents. Applying coating systems that contain compounds able to control decay is a way to increase the useful life of the wood. Gleditsia triachantos is regarded as a plague in many countries due to its resistance to extreme environmental conditions and its displacement of native forests. In...
C M IbaƱez, E Fernandez