Your search resulted in 16 documents.
Biological control of the Formosan subterranean termite Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki
1971 - IRG/WP 100
M Tamashiro, J K Fujii, P Lai, T E Richardson
Climate indices at work: Above ground decay L-joint tests (EN 330 and AWPA E9) at two sites 12000 km apart and with Scheffer climate indices of 60-65 and 300-330
1996 - IRG/WP 96-20095
Matched sets of Scots pine sapwood (Pinus sylvestris) L-joints were exposed above ground at two field sites for approximately five years. One site, at Garston, Watford, UK has a climate index between 60 and 65 while the other, close to Hilo, HI, USA has an index between 300 and 330. The joints were treated with a range of organic solvent treatments applied either by three minute dip immersion or b...
A F Preston, K J Archer, D M Roberts, J K Carey, A F Bravery
Chlorothalonil: A new ground contact wood preservative
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3712
Extensive investigations have been conducted in recent years on the performance of chlorothalonil (tetrachloroisophthalonitrile) as a ground contact wood preservative. Efficacy information is presented on a soil block test with 11 Basidiomycetes, a fungus cellar evaluation, above-ground field testing against termites in Australia and Hawaii, and ground-contact field stakes installed in Florida (9 ...
P E Laks, T L Woods
Performance of Borate-treated lumber in a four-year, above-ground termite field test in Hawaii
2001 - IRG/WP 01-30265
We report the fourth year of field study results from a protected above-ground field test in Hawaii simulating the sill plate (dodai) used in conventional Japanese housing construction. Field tests were established in both Hawaii and Japan to examine the efficacy of disodium octaborate tetrahydrate (DOT, 2% and 3% shell and through) wood treatments. In Hawaii, chromated copper arsenate (CCA, 4 kg/...
J K Grace, R J Oshiro, A Byrne, P I Morris, K Tsunoda
Six-year Report on the Performance of Borate-treated Lumber in an Above-ground Termite Field Test in Hawaii
2004 - IRG/WP 04-30343
We report the fifth and sixth years of field study results from a protected above-ground field test in Hawaii simulating the sill plate (dodai) used in conventional Japanese housing construction. Field tests were established in both Hawaii and Japan to examine the efficacy of disodium octaborate tetrahydrate (DOT, 2% and 3% BAE shell and through) wood treatments. In Hawaii, chromated copper arsen...
J K Grace, A Byrne, P I Morris, K Tsunoda
Termite field evaluations in hawaii: A brief review of methods and issues
1995 - IRG/WP 95-10131
The severe termite hazard in Hawaii, principally due to the presence of the Formosan subterranean termite (Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki), has long required the use of preservative-treated lumber in building construction. This hazard has also favored and stimulated field research in Hawaii on methods of protection from termite attack, including evaluation of soil insecticides and treated wood und...
J K Grace
Colonization of treated and untreated ponderosa pine exposed in Hilo, Hawaii
1995 - IRG/WP 95-20068
The rate of decay in above ground exposures is largely controlled by rainfall and temperature, factors which can be used to construct a climate index of decay hazard in above ground exposures. Developers of new biocide formulations have utilized this knowledge by establishing test sites in sub-tropical regions such as the Gulf Coast of the United States. More recently, field sites have been locate...
C M Freitag, J J Morrell, K J Archer
Accelerated testing for out of ground contact using natural biological preconditioning
1996 - IRG/WP 96-20088
Small blocks made of Scots pine sapwood were treated, buried in vermiculite and exposed to natural microbial colonisation during outdoor exposure prior to laboratory decay testing. Periodic microbial isolations, moisture content, permeability and weight loss tests were also conducted. Bacteria and moulds colonised the vermiculite and miniblocks well. Aureobasidium pullulans was common on TnBTO tre...
S Molnar, D J Dickinson, R J Murphy
Influence of water-borne preservatives on water repellency and the impact of addition of water repellent additives
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3704
The primary goal of a desirable wood preservative system is to effectively control decay fungi and other biodeteriogens in service. The water repellent nature of a given system may play an important role in the protection of wood. In this study, the water repellency of several water-borne preservative systems has been evaluated by measurements of tangential swelling during immersion. The systems i...
L Jin, D M Roberts, A F Preston
Microbial ecology of treated lap-joints exposed at Hilo, Hawaii for 12 months
1996 - IRG/WP 96-20089
Lap-joints made from Southern yellow pine treated with ACQ, DDAC or Propiconazole were exposed and sampled over 12 months. TnBTO treated Lap-joints were later exposed as a standard treatment. The moisture content of the joint area remained at 23% to 28%, but, away from the joint, varied between 20% to over 30%. Untreated samples had higher moisture contents and there was little difference between ...
S Molnar, D J Dickinson, R J Murphy
Termite resistance of treated wood in an above-ground field test
1985 - IRG/WP 2241
A field test method has been developed for evaluating the susceptibility of wood products to termites in protected situations above ground. In this method fungal attack on the wood products is minimal, though decay has been observed in conjunction with termite attack in some specimens. Preliminary results from exposure of replicate wood samples treated with preservatives in Florida to Reticuliterm...
A F Preston, P A McKaig, P J Walcheski
Microbial ecology of treated Lap-joints exposed at Hilo, Hawaii for 24 months
1997 - IRG/WP 97-20107
This paper is a continuation of previous work reported in IRG/WP 96-20089 by Molnar et al. (1996) in which Lap-joints, made from Southern yellow pine and treated with ACQ, DDAC or propiconazole were sampled over 12 months exposure at Hilo, Hawaii. 18 and 24 month samplings have since taken place and are reported here. TnBTO treated Lap-joints made of scots pine which were exposed later as a standa...
S Molnar, D J Dickinson, R J Murphy
Termite resistance of borate-treated lumber in a three-year above-ground field test in Hawaii
2000 - IRG/WP 00-30236
A protected above-ground field test simulating the sill plate (dodai) used in conventional Japanese housing construction was established in both Hawaii and Japan to examine the efficacy of disodium octaborate tetrahydrate (DOT, 2% and 3% shell and through) wood treatments. In Hawaii, chromated copper arsenate (CCA, 4 kg/m3) and ammoniacal copper zinc arsenate (ACZA, 4 kg/m3) were included in the t...
J K Grace, R J Oshiro, A Byrne, P I Morris, K Tsunoda
Performance of borate-treated lumber after 8 years in an above-ground termite field test in Hawaii
2006 - IRG/WP 06-30390
We report eight years of field study results from a protected above-ground field test in Hawaii simulating the sill plate (dodai) used in conventional Japanese housing construction. Field tests were established in both Hawaii and Japan to examine the efficacy of disodium octaborate tetrahydrate (DOT, 2% and 3% BAE shell and through) wood treatments. In Hawaii, chromated copper arsenate (CCA, 4 kg...
J K Grace, A Byrne, P I Morris, K Tsunoda
The Relative Performance of an Organic Preservative System under UC3A and UC3B Conditions using Two Test Methods
2010 - IRG/WP 10-20429
Coated L-joints have been used for decades to evaluate the performance of wood preservatives in protected environments. This study was conducted using matched coated and uncoated L-joints to simulate above ground protected and unprotect exposures. When exposed to constant moisture in a greenhouse environment, coated and uncoated L-joints give very similar performance results. In contrast, exposi...
C F Schauwecker, A Zahora, A F Preston
Ten Year Field Tests of Borate-Treated Wood Against Subterranean Termites
2011 - IRG/WP 11-30557
In the mid 1990s, Forintek Canada Corp. initiated a study of the termite resistance of borate-treated lumber above ground, protected from rain in Canada, Japan and Hawaii. Predominant termite species at three test were Reticulitermes flavipes in Canada, and Coptotermes formosanus in both Japan and Hawaii. The material included hemlock and amabilis fir lumber treated with disodium octaborate tetrah...
P I Morris, J K Grace, K Tsunoda