Your search resulted in 8 documents.
Theory of Aesthetics – Charm in Furniture and an Aesthetic Evaluation of Bleaching of the Natural Color of Wood through the Application of Experimental Bleaching Process
2007 - IRG/WP 07-30424
This paper consists of mainly three sections: In the first section, brief information is given on the theory of aesthetics as a branch of philosophy, historical progress of the aesthetics theory is summarized within the context of the term “beautiful”, and aesthetic values as well as the color and aesthetic effects of color in preparing the designs are explained. In the second section, relatio...
I Usta
The effect of brighteners on wood surface aesthetics – exploring the use of various organo-phosphonates based precursors
2007 - IRG/WP 07-30441
Freshly cut hardwood lumber such as white oak, red oak, beech, or redwood are rich in mineral stain (mostly iron and calcium), which provides a strong discoloration of the wood surface significantly influencing the aesthetic of the wood surface and strongly affecting the cost of this lumber. The influence of mineral stain on soft wood discoloration (Southern Yellow Pine, Douglas fir, etc.) is les...
R Craciun, P Mitchell
A fast and economic method to produce grey wooden surfaces for decking and cladding: preliminary results
2009 - IRG/WP 09-40474
Uncoated wood is commonly used in France for cladding and decking to minimise maintenance. However wood surfaces progressively turn grey due to exposure to sunlight and water. This grey colour develops after several months depending on the wood species and the exposure: in the northern hemisphere surfaces facing south and west are most exposed and turn grey more rapidly than those facing north and...
L Podgorski, V Georges, I Garmendia, B Sánchez Sarachu
Acceptance levels of surface disfigurement - tolerance to defects of coated wood
2015 - IRG/WP 15-20564
Service life planning (PSL) has become an important issue in performance based building and substantial progress has been made in recent years. The role of predicting the aesthetical service life of wooden building components has been underestimated for quite long time but is recently attracting more and more notice. It is influenced by numerous factors such as discoloration, fading, flaking, crac...
C Brischke, P Kaudewitz
UV-curable coatings developed for aesthetic and biological protection of wood outdoors
2017 - IRG/WP 17-40821
To avoid wood greying, dimensional variations, and degradation by biological agents wood is protected with preservation products and coatings when used outdoors. For some wood species used for cladding, a treatment with a preservation product is required, and is frequently additionally protected with a coating. In this study, Mäder Group developed a new UV-curable coating for outdoors application...
C Reynaud, A S Schuller, M Kutnik, L Podgorski
Simulation and visualization of aesthetic performance of bio-based building skin
2018 - IRG/WP 18-20633
Performance of 120 selected façade materials provided by over 30 industrial and academic partners is under evaluation. The experimental data, acquired during BIO4ever project duration are used for development of the numerical models simulating the material degradation in a function of time and exposure. The weather data calculated according to the ASHRAE 2013 database allows numerical simulation ...
J Sandak, A Sandak, P Grossi, M Petrillo
Wood protection techniques and natural weathering: their effect on aesthetics and preference of people
2019 - IRG/WP 19-50351
Current research successfully contributes to improving wood protection techniques. However, the vast majority of research on preventing degradation of wood ignores a critical aspect of making successful products and processes – user selection of materials, which may largely depend on the aesthetical qualities. Wood treatments change the tactile and visual properties of wood substantially and the...
D Lipovac, M D Burnard, A Sandak, J Sandak
Utilising novel service life prediction methods for robust and precise Life-Cycle-Costing (LCC)
2023 - IRG/WP 23-50384
Life-Cycle-Costing (LCC) is one of the basic indicators for the assessment of sustainability and cost effectiveness in construction applications. Project WoodLCC was thus conceived to enable LCC through input from models for detailed service life planning of wooden components and buildings. The project is a continuation of the service life planning research conducted in Europe over the last three ...
P B van Niekerk, G Alfredsen, T Kalamees, R Modaresi, A Sandak, J Niklewski, C Brischke