Your search resulted in 6 documents.
Seasonal response of feeding, differentiation, and growth in the eastern subterranean termite Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) in Wisconsin
2007 - IRG/WP 07-10604
In termites, differentiation plasticity in undifferentiated Reticulitermes progresses with growth stages from larvae to workers, which may then differentiate into soldiers, winged nymphs, or neotenics. Although studies have been done on seasonality of the termite life cycle, data appears to vary from location to location. Reticulitermes populations in Wisconsin appear to behave slightly differentl...
R A Arango, F Green III, G R Esenther
On the occurrence of the Australian Lyctus parallelocollis Blackburn in Israel and how to distinguish from Lyctus brunneus (Steph.)
1978 - IRG/WP 194
In June 1976 attacked plywood was sent from Tel Aviv for determination of the insects concerned. An unknown Lyctus species and the asiatic Heterobostrychus aequalis (Waterhouse) were responsible for the damage. Further material sent by Dr. J. Halperin, Forestry Division, Ilanoth, in September 1976 and beetles of his field collection in 1977 revealed this Lyctus sp. to be a rather widely distribute...
S Cymorek
Methane emission by termites, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki
1995 - IRG/WP 95-10099
Association of methanogenic bacteria only with the smallest-sized symbiotic protozoa Spirotrichonympha leidyi Koidzumi was evidenced by epifluorescence microscopic observations. Workers, which were collected from a laboratory colony and placed in a test container with water supply emitted methane at a relatively constant rate with a peak of 0.76 nmol/termite/hr within the first 72 hrs after the in...
K Tsunoda, W Ohmura, M Tokoro, T Yoshimura
Safer alternative reagents for colour differentiation of heartwood and sapwood
1994 - IRG/WP 94-20028
Benzidine and dimethyl yellow reagents have been used for distinguishing heartwood from sapwood in the Pinaceae and Araucariacae families, and in Eucalypt species. Both have been classified as carcinogenic by European and United States authoritites, yet the need for effective heartwood/sapwood differentiation remains, not only in the laboratory but also out in the timber processing chain. Safer al...
A Zosars, M J Kennedy
Differentiation of Scots pine heartwood and sapwood by near infrared spectroscopy
2003 - IRG/WP 03-10459
In Scandinavia Scots pine heartwood has, in recent years, gained popularity as material for external structures exposed to moderate risk of decay. As non-durable sapwood surrounds the heartwood in pine trunks it is of crucial importance to separate this wood from the heartwood during log processing into heartwood products. Heartwood and sapwood can be differentiated by visual evaluation of colour ...
P O Flæte, E Ystrøm Haartveit
Characterization and differentiation of wood rotting fungi by protein and enzyme patterns
1999 - IRG/WP 99-20177
Standardized tests for wood preservatives are performed with defined fungal strains to ensure comparability between laboratories. However, changes of virulence and variation of results are well known events. Suitable and reliable measures to control the stability of the test organisms are necessary.Comparison of protein patterns produced by SDS-electrophoresis was already described by several auth...
U Schoknecht