Your search resulted in 2 documents.
Colorant Treatments to Enhance the Weathering Resistance of Western Red cedar
2016 - IRG/WP 16-40737
Western redcedar is renowned for its decay resistance, but, like most wood products, it requires frequent maintenance in many exterior applications to maintain its appearance. To provide adequate long-term performance in exterior applications, it must be protected against light, water, and disfiguring fungal growth. Colorant treatments, with and without preservatives, were investigated for their a...
R Stirling, V Landry
Extraction of fungal colorants for their use in coloured coatings for wood
2022 - IRG/WP 22-40938
Microorganisms are highly interesting for the production of useful metabolites. Such metabolites are e.g. colorants, that can easily be produced on industrial scale and low material costs. To date some microbial produced colorants are used in textile- and food industry because of their low toxicity and sustainability compared to synthetically produced colorants. However, little is known about the ...
K Kusstatscher, N Pfabigan, M Senoner, L Orlowsky, A Steitz, B Forsthuber, S Niedermayer, R Gründlinger