Your search resulted in 65 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.
Experimental real building evaluation of termite attack - Effect of the space between the mat foundation and the thermal insulation
2000 - IRG/WP 00-10374
For evaluating the termite resistance of the real house foundation, specially in the case of thermal insulation systems for foundation walls, thermal insulation which can be attacked by termite, must be evaluate. Because of the difficulty of the water penetration of thermal insulation, the water barrier systems can be protected against termite attacks, in our opinions. The observation on the proce...
K Suzuki, K Hagio, Y Tanaka
Determination of physical properties of wood by Novel Guide
2006 - IRG/WP 06-40345
In empirical and theoretical determination of physical properties of wood, a schematic guide has been developed (as a novel guide) for the purpose of bringing facilities to researchers with a processing quantity in terms of data compilation. In this article physical properties of wood have been briefly described in respect to their effect on impregnation process, and technical information has been...
I Usta, M D Hale
Flow charts for termite and decay tests to determine the natural durability of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don)
2008 - IRG/WP 08-20385
This paper deals with the experimental flow charts that were used for determination the effects of fungal decay and termite attack on Sugi heartwood during the course of the study of “Comparative studies of natural durability of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) among the geographic cultivate”, which was carried out by Usta et al (2006)....
I Usta, S Doi
An evaluation method for less termite attack execution on thermal insulation for fundation walls
2002 - IRG/WP 02-20245
According to the results by the real scale Japanese building tests, the termite installation was observed at very little spaces between foundation and insulation. The termite penetration spaces between foundation and insulation on foundation systems in Japanese wooden houses were checked by the way of streaming speed of colored water. Because of difficulty for its execution, the parts of outside a...
K Suzuki, Y Tanaka
Experimental test site to prevent maritime pine logs from bluestaining: water-spraying and water-immersion methods
2003 - IRG/WP 03-10497
Following a storm which led to windfall wood, a research project was launched to develop preservation methods with a low environmental impact for maritime pine logs. These preservation methods are intended to be suitable for large-scale storage areas of maritime pine. In addition the aim was to maintain wood quality during long term storage. An experimental field test with 1 900 m3 of maritime pin...
I Le Bayon, H Callot, D Reuling, C Brunet, P Castéra
Control of death-watch beetle (Xestobium rufovillosum Deg.) with experimental permethrin smoke generators
1982 - IRG/WP 3199
This paper presents results obtaining by monitoring population figures, the condition and reproductive state of beetles collected at weekly intervals after each annual treatment....
S J Read
An experimental method to simulate incipient decay of wood by basidiomycete fungi
2000 - IRG/WP 00-20200
At very early stages of decay of wood by basidiomycete fungi, strength loss can be measured from wood before any measurable weight loss. Therefore, strength loss is a more efficient measure of incipient decay than weight loss. However, common standard decay tests (e.g. EN 113 or ASTM D2017) use weight loss as the measure of decay. A method was developed that allowed progressive removal of samples ...
S F Curling, J E Winandy, C A Clausen
The influence of building design on wood decay
2000 - IRG/WP 00-10339
The cheapest and most effective way to prevent wood decay is to KEEP THE WOOD DRY! You and I know that, but we often forget and attempt a preservative solution to a problem better solved with good design and construction. It's also the answer to a frequently missed exam question in my Architecture class. Just as caulking is a poor substitute for proper design, so preservative treatment sh...
W W Wilcox
Results of survey conducted at Orlando to solicit attendee feedback on program design
1994 - IRG/WP 94-60026
J N R Ruddick
Generic code of good practices for wood protection facilities. Part 1: Wood protection (antisapstain) facilities
1993 - IRG/WP 93-50003
In general, the potential of high toxicity (aquatic and human) of wood protection (antisapstain) chemicals dictates the need to protect the environment and humans from its harmful effects. This document is a compendium of recommendations for the design and operating practices of wood protection facilities. The suggested recommendations focus on achieving the objectives of protecting the environmen...
G Das, V N P Mathur
Development on Damage Functions of Wood Decay for Building Envelope Design
2005 - IRG/WP 05-10556
For the hygrothermal analyses of building envelope systems for insulation design, we tried a natural decay test of wetted wood specimens without any inoculation of fungi. Three principal experimental types: under steady-state conditions (Experiment A), at a cyclic water dripping under Non-steady conditions (Experiment B) and at a cyclic water dipping under-steady conditions (Experiment C), were ca...
H Suzuki, Y Kitadani, K Suzuki, A Iwamae, H Nagai
Canadian code of good practices - Recommendations for design and operation of wood preservation facilities
1990 - IRG/WP 3582
The rationale and procedures for the development of a set of recommendations for design and operation of wood preservation facilities in Canada are discussed. Multi stake holders involvement in problem identification, problem assessment, state of the art knowledge database, implementation and periodic assessment procedures are important considerations for the successful development of a Code of Go...
V N P Mathur, G Das
Premature failure of treated timber in wharfs in Papua New Guinea, attributed to defects in design
1991 - IRG/WP 4158
The performance of timber in wharfs in Papua New Guinea has been monitored for a number of years. Premature failure of wharf structures was found in many cases to be due to defects in design rather than ineffective preservative treatment. Above-water timbers were found to be prone to severe checking followed by decay. Protection for the end grain of pile tops and the limiting of radial checking in...
S M Cragg
Design of Field Trials for Evaluation of Antisapstain Products
2003 - IRG/WP 03-20263
Field trialing is an important phase of antisapstain product development and careful planning is required to ensure trial validity for predicting performance in the industrial situation.
Experiences of trialing antisapstain products on lumber over a ten-year period are discussed in this paper.
It is not mandatory to source "fresh " wood for trialing and useful information can be generated even...
F W Frazer, N R Edmonds, B J Nairn
Field test design for service life prediction of wooden components
2005 - IRG/WP 05-20308
Wood is predominantly degraded by organisms. Thus, compared to other building materials, service life of wooden material is influenced by many more factors, which are divided into direct and indirect factors. Climate, geographical position, and construction criteria count to the indirect decay factors.
Besides material inherent properties (natural durability, wood preservatives), wood temperature...
A O Rapp, C Brischke
Non-destructive stress wave measurement of decay and termite attack in experimental wood units
1986 - IRG/WP 2256
The purpose of this study was to determine if stress wave analysis could be used to monitor the degradation of wood specimens exposed to the brown-rot decay fungi (Gloeophyllum trabeum) and of wood specimens subjected to attack by subterranean termites. One hundred fifty 3/4 by 3/4 by 12 in. Southern pine specimens were used for exposure to brown-rot decay fungi and two hundred twenty-five 3/4 by ...
R F Pellerin, R C De Groot, G R Esenther
Recent development in North American industrial wood preservation plants
1988 - IRG/WP 3467
After remaining static for many years there have been a number of changes in plant design and treating cycles in recent years. This has been particularly true in the USA where few restrictions are placed on plant treating cycles by specifications; since only results type specifications are used. It is also important to realize that the AWPA Specifications for Southern Yellow Pine only call for tre...
J F Bridges
Design of a laboratory method for evaluating the effectiveness of soft rot preservatives
1988 - IRG/WP 2312
This purpose of this work was to design a method which makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of products which present protect wood against soft rot, using new products·of a different nature, on wood of·Pinus sylvestris L. and Fagus sylvatica L., and which, suitably applied, avoid big economic losses deriving from lack of knowledge of the active principles suitable to present protect w...
M T De Troya, A M Navarrete
The performance in the sea of seven experimental piles after sixteen years at Port Douglas, North Queensland
1989 - IRG/WP 4151
After 16 years at Port Douglas, two double-treated Pinus radiata piles were in excellent condition, a CCA-treated Pinus elliottii pile was in good condition other than for a confined streak of teredinid attack, while two CCA-treated and two untreated turpentine piles were moderately to severely attacked by Sphaeroma in the tidal zone. The marine borers collected were Sphaeroma terebrans, Martesia ...
L J Cookson, J E Barnacle, C N McEvoy
The kinetics of anhydride modification reactions of wood. Experimental results and theoretical modelling
1998 - IRG/WP 98-40125
Although the chemical modification of wood remains a fertile area for research, there has been little work performed on the kinetics of the modification process. The reaction kinetics of a series of linear chain and cyclic anhydrides has been studied and activation energies of the reaction determined. The reaction kinetic profiles are determined by the relative rates of reaction of the reagent wit...
C A S Hill, J G Hillier
A real scale evaluation method and results on termite resistance of housing wall systems and floor framings
1999 - IRG/WP 99-10314
For evaluating the termite resistance of real scale houses especially housing wall systems and floor framings, a experimental building was prepared. After initial feeding of termite, this house was constructed. In this experimental building, several parts which were built by different wall systems and floor framing. The room temperature of these parts were controlled. Water can be provided in the ...
K Suzuki, K Okada, K Hagio, Y Tanaka
Three-year field trials of polymeric formulations which provide a new basis for the invention and design of non-toxic wide-spectrum wood preservatives
1994 - IRG/WP 94-40029
Three types of non-toxic polymeric formulations invented using a new approach to wood preservation were challenged with termites and fungi in three-year ground-contact field trials in the sub-tropical climate of Natal. These formulations were copper soaps of carboxylic acid groups of unsaturated fatty acids of waxes and edible vegetable oils; of resin acids of rosin, and, of synthetic unsaturated ...
A A W Baecker, A Pizzi
Sub-group on Basidiomycete tests: Experimental programme and schedule of participants
1980 - IRG/WP 2145
The objectives of this IRG COLLABORATIVE BASIDIOMYCETE TEST are to compare results and assess reproducibility of a miniaturised wood block toxicity test when undertaken by different workers in different laboratories. The co-operative scientists and institutes are: Dr K Messner from Vienna (Austria); Dr R S Smith from Forintek (Canada); Mr J Hansen from Sadolins (Denmark); Mr B Jensen from Gori (De...
A F Bravery
Experimental variations in the distribution of CCA preservative in lignin and holocellulose as a function of treating conditions (temperature, concentration, pH, species, and time)
1984 - IRG/WP 3277
The exact distributions between lignin and holocellulose and retentions on wood of copper, chromium and arsenic as a function of various sets of conditions in a 3x3x4x2 factorial experiment in which combinations of three temperatures of treatment, three CCA solution concentrations, four pH's of the initial CCA solution and two timber species, namely Pinus radiata and Eucalyptus grandis, a...
A Pizzi, E Orovan, M Singmin, A Jansen, M C Vogel
Minimisation of the Environmental Impacts of Coatings on Exterior Wood by Optimisation of their Life Spans
2003 - IRG/WP 03-50197
The study has shown that the environmental impacts from coatings on exterior wood are dependent criteria on their life spans. A minimisation of the environmental impacts can be performed with the help of the integrated design model, which is tested in this study. The optimal life spans, found as reference service lives from the exposure tests, statistical evaluation and the assessment of experts w...
L Strömberg