Your search resulted in 11 documents.
Soft rot penetration - Effect of groundline maintenance treatment on poles in sevice
1983 - IRG/WP 3263
R S Johnstone
Field trials of groundline remedial treatments on soft rot attacked CCA treated Eucalyptus poles
1983 - IRG/WP 3222
A total of 17 CCA treated Eucalyptus poles, which were found to contain 2-5 mm of soft rot in October, 1980, were reinspected in October, 1982. In 1980, 11 of the poles were given a supplemental groundline bandage treatment of either Osmoplastic or Patox, while 6 of the poles were designated as untreated controls. Two years after remedial treatment, samples were removed from the poles for microsco...
W S McNamara, R J Ziobro, J F Triana
Fungi associated with groundline soft rot decay in copper/chrome/arsenic treated heartwood utility poles of Malaysian hardwoods
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1567
Copper-chrome-arsenic treated heartwood from Malaysian hardwood utility poles in service for 8-23 y at two localities in the wet tropical Peninsula Malaysia were surveyed for soft rot in the ground-contact region. Soft rot decay was detected in all the poles. Isolation studies indicated the ability of a variety of microfungi and basidiomycetes to colonize treated heartwood. Most isolates exhibited...
A H H Wong, R B Pearce, S C Watkinson
Groundline treatments for poles - Wedding Bells S.F. test site layout
1983 - IRG/WP 3259
R S Johnstone
Ten year field test with a copper-borate ground line treatment for poles
1993 - IRG/WP 93-30017
A wood preservative paste consisting of borax and copper naphthenate has been tested to determine its efficiency in protecting wood from decay fungi and insects. The paste was applied to polyethylene-backed wraps that were fastened to the below-ground portions of unseasoned southern pine pole stubs. After 4 years of exposure in Mississippi, the untreated control stubs were completely deteriorated....
T L Amburgey, M H Freeman
Fully impregnated poles for a minimum environmental impact: Eucalyptus poles
2005 - IRG/WP 05-50224-24
The classical processes for preservation of wooden poles (vacuum-pressure and Boucherie processes) allow the impregnation of the sapwood only.
The new radial-axial injection process has been applied to Eucalyptus poles, and has led to impregnation of both sapwood and heartwood.
Further more; preserving product is injected both through the groundline area and through the bott end. This allows the...
L Nitunga
Diffusion of chromium and fluoride in Rentex treated creosoted pole sections
1991 - IRG/WP 3659
A chromated fluoride preservative was applied by injection to the groundline regions of creosoted distribution pole sections and these were erected at a filed site in Scotland. Wood samples were recovered for chemical analysis at one week, two, five and twelve months after treatment. Small sample mass and destructive nature of the analysis necessitated modification of an alkali fusion technique to...
D C R Sinclair, G M Smith, A Bruce, B King, H J Staines
Failure of overhead power transmission and telecommunication poles in Tanzania: Causes, preventive and remedial measures
1988 - IRG/WP 3465
Unless measures are considered urgently to combat massive pole failures occuring in service, it is likely that wooden poles may soon become unpopular. Consequently, pole users may be forced to use costlier alternatives such as underground cables and concrete or steel poles. In trying to countercheck this trend, this paper names the main agents of pole failure, discusses different models of pole fa...
K K Murira
The economics of saving standing wood poles. Labour saving system for pole groundline retreatment
1980 - IRG/WP 3160
This paper consists of 3 contributions
There are still people who consider wood poles a disposable commodity much the same as paper cups and toilet paper. The idea of conservation is still new in this field, but soon conservation will be a necessity. Only two percent of the forest recources of North America are being replaced. What does it mean? We will run out of poles a lot sooner than ...
W V Inkis
Performance of groundline bandage remedial treatments in western US species transmission poles
1993 - IRG/WP 93-30019
Groundline bandages are an important element in remedial treatment strategies for utility poles in the United States. Several bandages containing new or reformulated components have recently been developed but have not been adequately tested. This paper reports on the degree of diffusion of copper naphthenate, boron, and sodium fluoride from groundline bandages into pressuretreated Douglas-fir, po...
P G Forsyth, J J Morrell
Effects of chemicals used for ground-line protection of hardwood poles on termite attack
1988 - IRG/WP 1356
The majority of chemicals formulatet to protect the groundline of hardwood poles in Australia have been fungicides. Nine products were tested against Coptotermes lacteus attack to determine their value in preventing attack by subterranean termites. Results indicated that Busan, high temperature creosote, pigment emulsified creosote, copper naphthenate gel and "Blue 7" had a repellent effect on Cop...
R S Johnstone, R H Eldridge