Your search resulted in 82 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.
An Historical Roof Timber System in the Old Town of Berlin-Spandau
2019 - IRG/WP 19-10949
In Europe the “Charter of Venice” was enacted on the 31st of May 1964. It is the international directive for the preservation of historic buildings and monuments. All countries in Europe now involve professional wood scientists and engineers in maintaining and preserving historical buildings. Here we discuss a restoration project involving 17th century roof timbering. This project may be used ...
M Luke, W Unger, D Nellessen
Insectos xilofagos que dañan la madera de edificios historicos de Morelia, Michoacán, México
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10673
Pine lumber in buildings in the historic center of Morelia that exhibited signs of attack were collected between 1999 until 2007. Four species were identified from this material. Two species were in the order Isoptera: Incisitermes marginipennis Latreille (Kalotermitiidae), Reticulitermes serratus Mendez (Rhinotermitidae), while the others were from the order Coleoptera: Calymmaderus oblongus (Go...
C M A Jurado Vargas, J Cruz de Leon
Wood Aging. Characteristics of aged Hinoki wood from Japanese historical buildings
2012 - IRG/WP 12-40610
Wood has always played a major role in Japanese traditional culture. More than 90% of buildings listed as a National property or a nationally important cultural property of Japan are constructed with wood. In the ancient capitals Kyoto and Nara, many traditional wooden buildings were inscribed as World Cultural Heritage of the UNESCO. The most famous and the world’s oldest wooden construction st...
M Yokohama, S Kawai
Occurrence of synanthropic beetles (Coleoptera Ptinidae) and checkered beetles (Coleoptera Cleridae) in relation to climatic factors in historical buildings from North-Eastern Germany
2021 - IRG/WP 21-10980
Predatory checkered beetles occur in many historical buildings. Thus, it is essential to learn more about the ecology of these beetles, specifically for their further use as suitable beneficial organisms in biological control of wood-destroying insects. In this study, indoor climatic conditions were examined as a major factor influencing their occurrence and that of their prey Anobium punctatum an...
C Baar, C von Laar, M Willert, H Bombeck
Eradication of beetles attacking wooden historical buildings by humidity-controlled warm-air treatment
2023 - IRG/WP 23-11028
Humidity-controlled warm-air treatment is a method that kills mainly beetles that are damaging the wood. In this process, a heat-insulating and airtight covering is placed around the object building, and the temperature inside the covering is gradually raised to about 60°C, held for a certain period of time, and then gradually lowered. While maintained at 60°C, all forms of damaging insects - ad...
Y Fujii, Y Fujiwara, M Harada, H Kitahara, M Shimada, S Kondo, Y Sato, M Shimada, R Kigawa, H Watanabe, Y Komine, S Hidaka, D Ogura
Granitgard used as a partial and perimeter barrier in the protection of buildings against subterranean termites
1995 - IRG/WP 95-10114
The graded granite subterranean termite physical barrier, commercially marketed as Granitgard, has a Certificate of National Accreditation issued by the Australian Building Codes Board, and is included in Australian Standards. After several years in developing the specifications and installation techniques for Granitgard, it may be used to protect almost all footing designs. Granitgard can be simp...
D M Ewart, J R J French
The restricted distribution of Serpula lacrymans in Australian buildings
1989 - IRG/WP 1382
Temperature data has been gathered over a number of years, not only for flooring regions of various buildings in Melbourne, but also within roof spaces and external to the buildings. Findings are discussed in relation to the distribution of Serpula lacrymans within Australia, its restriction to certain types of building construction and its restriction to flooring regions. The subfloor spaces of b...
J D Thornton
Problems caused by termites in buildings in the State of Sao Paulo
1976 - IRG/WP 150
Termites are the main insects attacking buildings in the State of Sao Paulo - Brazil. Their attack occurs in wood and wooden materials as well as paper, textile, leather and so on....
M S Cavalcante
Physical barriers and bait toxicants: The Romeo and Juliet of future termite control
1991 - IRG/WP 1503
Soil chemical barriers are considered by some to be the most important technique for protecting buildings against subterranean termites in Australia (and elsewhere), providing a barrier against termite penetration. However, there is no such thing as a barrier that is 100 per cent +protective. And given the worldwide problems of using organochlorine termiticides, public awareness of chemical pollut...
J R J French
The status of Anobium punctatum and Hylotrupes bajulus in buildings in the United Kingdom
1993 - IRG/WP 93-10039
Anobium punctatum and Hylotrupes bajulus are the two most significant insect pests of structural timber in the UK. This paper describes the results to date from two separate surveys in the UK carried out by the BRE in collaboration with remedial treatment companies, local authorities and building societies to establish the incidence and status of these insects with respect to geographical location...
R W Berry, R G Lea, D Higham
The dry rot fungus and other fungi in houses. Part 2
1993 - IRG/WP 93-10001
J Bech-Andersen
An investigation concerning Camponotus spp. distribution and damage in buildings in Sweden
1985 - IRG/WP 1248
This is a report of an investigation by a Swedish insurance company on the occurrences of damage by Carpenter ants during 1974 to 1981. The distribution of damage in walls, roofs and floors of both permanent homes and summer-houses has been assessed. It is concluded that the increased frequency of attack is becoming economically serious....
V Butovitsch, K-J Hedqvist, C Tornberg
Wood-destroying insects found in the Eastern Black Sea sub-region of Turkey
1982 - IRG/WP 1153
The Eastern Black Sea subregion has important forest resources. The settlement areas are scattered at the countryside. That's why a good deal of wood and timber is used in the construction of buildings without sufficient protective measures in the rural areas. In the forests and rural buildings 52 wood-destroying insect species have been specified 35 of which are new in this subregion and...
O A Sekendiz
Controlling Coptotermes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) infestations in buildings with bait boxes
2000 - IRG/WP 00-10372
This paper describes the results of a commercial pest control operators use of the CSIRO bait box procedure in controlling infestations within buildings of subterranean termites ('termites') of the genus Coptotermes. Polystyrene bait boxes (480 x 330 x 210 mm3) were filled with alternate layers of corrugated cardboard and kiln-dried hardwood strips of Eucalyptus regnans F. Meull....
J R J French, T Boschma
Description of the damage produced by xilophagus Curculionides in Spain
1989 - IRG/WP 1408
Cossoninae are a reduced subfamily of Curculionidae. These xilophagus insects produce significant damage in Spain, mainly affecting old buildings. Their activity is a real problem for the preservation of the country's historical-artistic heritage. The three Cossoninae species most widespread in Spain are described for the first time as well as the conditions under which they develop. The ...
E L Rodríguez Trobajo
Report of an investigation of damage by wood ants in buildings in Sweden
1976 - IRG/WP 148
Wood ants in buildings occur everywhere in Sweden, particularly in maritime districts and in vicinity of larger lakes. The damage caused by Camponotus herculeanus does not differ from that caused by Camponotus ligniperda. The former occurs in all Sweden, the latter only in southern Sweden. The damage is to be found almost exclusively in dwelling houses (week-end cabins and "all-the-year round" hou...
V Butovitsch
Wood decay in Danish buildings
1985 - IRG/WP 1261
At Technological Institute identification of fungi and advisory activity concerning repair of damages has taken place since 1935. Statistical analyses based on material from 1982 and 1983 are compared to earlier investigations worked out by L. Harmsen. The material shows that building traditions influence the diversity and frequency of fungal species. Many fungal damages in the last decade have sh...
A P Koch
Some thoughts on the future strategy for eradicating Serpula lacrymans from a building
1989 - IRG/WP 1405
We now have a clear view of the mechanism of translocation of nutrients in the mycelium of Serpula lacrymans which is one of the physiological processes underlying the remarkable capacity of this fungus to spread through a building. Here the elements of the mechanism of translocation are dissected out to suggest avenues which might be followed in the search for new ways for eradicating the fungus ...
D H Jennings
Geographical distribution of termites inside buildings in France
1991 - IRG/WP 1512
Since several years, data concerning infestations of buildings by termites are collected by CTBA. Most of them come from of the localizations communicated by the Pest Control Operators in the frame of the Approval. Maps were settled in 1975, 1981 and lastly in 1989. These maps show that the areas infested by termites are extending. Processing of data is described....
M-M Serment, A-M Pruvost
The more important wood-destroying insects found in buildings in Poland
1974 - IRG/WP 128
In the different regions (voievodships) of the country Anobium punctatum and Anobium pertinax were to be found in the range of 47.7 to 63.5%. These insects were the main pests in urban buildings. In the second place came Hylotrupes bajulus occurring in the range of 25.9 to 45.1%. The other insects were to be found within the limits of 0.1 to 10.0%; only in a single instance did the amount reach 24...
J Dominik, J Wazny, M Czajnik
Regulatory and Consumer Challenges Facing Timber Preservation and Durability Interests in New Zealand and Australia
2003 - IRG/WP 03-20282
Timber preservation and durability interests in Australia and New Zealand are facing many challenges and threats arising from regulation and standards changes, to direct competition from competitive materials producers. Industry can address these challenges by pro-active initiation of sound, holistic, research, that addresses the performance needs of the regulators and specifiers and the expectati...
C MacKenzie
An overview of termite control in buildings in Kenya
1997 - IRG/WP 97-10242
Termites are well known pests of wooden products and structural timber and are responsible for considerable damage in the building sector in sub-Saharan Africa. A general diagnostic survey of damaging termite species in agriculture, forestry and buildings was carried out for the first time in Kenya (1991-1992). Termite species implicated in damage to wooden materials and structural timber in build...
G R S Ochiel, W Gitonga, L Toft
Soft rot fungi as possible sources of odor in impregnated wood in buildings
1993 - IRG/WP 93-20013
Wood preservatives are frequently used inside houses. In several cases impregnated wood, particularly when used in crawlspaces or other near-ground constructions, has been found to be a source of odor. Mold fungi, soft rot fungi actinomycetes or bacteria growing on impregnated wood are possible producers of the odor. Analyses of volatile emissions from impregnated wood with odor and pure cultures ...
J Bjurman, J Kristensson
Investigation of microwave as a means of eradicating dry rot attack in buildings
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1545
A microwave-apparatus developed for treatment of building-structures infested by dry rot was tested in the laboratory. The test-conditions simulated treatment of either infested timber or infested brickwork. Sawdust samples, both wet and dry, infested by viable mycelium of Serpula lacrymans were packed in glass-tubes. The tubes were then placed in the middle of either 20 cm thick wooden beams or 3...
C Kjerulf-Jensen, A P Koch
Damage by wood-attacking insects in buildings in Sao Paulo State - Brazil. (including errata slip)
1978 - IRG/WP 175
From 1974 to 1978 up to 602 buildings attacked by wood-boring insects were inspected by Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnologicas in Sao Paulo State - Brazil. Damage was caused mainly by subterranean termites, dry-wood termites and wood-attacking beetles. Up to US $ 1000,000 is the amount needed to control such insects in the buildings inspected...
A T De Lelis