Your search resulted in 2 documents.
Using X-ray micro-CT to evaluate density loss in anobiid infested wood
2019 - IRG/WP 19-10956
Considering the relevance of wood borers in construction, the present study had as main objective the evaluation of the impact of anobiid damage on timber elements by establishing an empirical correlation between lost material percentage (LM%, consumed by beetles) and apparent density (original – OTD and residual – RTD). Since the beetles’ attack produces a diffuse damage with a set of tunne...
J L Parracha, M F Pereira, A Maurício, P Faria, L Nunes
Analysis of larval development and feeding of an Anobiid beetle using X-ray computed tomography
2020 - IRG/WP 20-10961
Priobium sp., an anobiid beetle, can attack wood used for historic constructions in Japan. Its life history and feeding biology, especially larval development and behavior, are poorly understood because the beetles are hidden inside wood most of the time. We used X-ray computed tomography (CT) to regularly scan wood blocks infested with the larvae of the Priobium sp. and observed the process of ...
H Watanabe, R Kigawa, Y Fujiwara, Y Fujii