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The evaluation of permethrin for wood preservation
1977 - IRG/WP 3107
The toxicity of the synthetic pyrethroid permethrin (NRDC 143) to a range of wood destroying insects has been investigated. In tests using Hylotrupes bajulus, Anobium punctatum, Lyctus brunneus and Reticulitermes santonensis permethrin showed a similar order of toxicity to that of gamma-BHC. Although the toxicity of permethrin to adult Anobium punctatum was of the same order as that of gamma-BHC, ...
R W Berry

Report on the activities of the European Standardization Committee CEN/TC 38 'Methods of Testing wood preservatives'
1980 - IRG/WP 279 E
G Castan

The status of Anobium punctatum and Hylotrupes bajulus in buildings in the United Kingdom
1993 - IRG/WP 93-10039
Anobium punctatum and Hylotrupes bajulus are the two most significant insect pests of structural timber in the UK. This paper describes the results to date from two separate surveys in the UK carried out by the BRE in collaboration with remedial treatment companies, local authorities and building societies to establish the incidence and status of these insects with respect to geographical location...
R W Berry, R G Lea, D Higham

Water-based wood preservatives for curative treatement of insect-infested spruce constructions
1998 - IRG/WP 98-30171
On laying down sanitation measures for wooden constructions infested by wood boring insects, we must take into account static risks for the construction - and, thus, for the security of the user - as well as risks for humans and environment due to the chemical preservative compounds of the treated wood. Analyses on many roof constructions made with spruce (Picea abies L.) have revealed that Hylot...
E Graf, P Manser, B Lanz

AAC preservatives: Recent New Zealand and Australian experience
1982 - IRG/WP 3188
This paper outlines the present commercial situation in New Zealand, presents results of current research undertaken at FRI and CSIRO, Division of Building Research (DBR), and comments on parallel research carried out elsewhere. Finally, some general comments are made on the limitations of present technology....
J A Butcher, H Greaves

Rapport sur l'activité du CNE/TC 38 'Méthodes d'essais des produits de préservation du bois'
1980 - IRG/WP 279
G Castan

Rapport sur l'activité du CNE/TC 38 'Méthodes d'essais des produits de préservation du bois'
1977 - IRG/WP 288
G Castan

The more important wood-destroying insects found in buildings in Poland
1974 - IRG/WP 128
In the different regions (voievodships) of the country Anobium punctatum and Anobium pertinax were to be found in the range of 47.7 to 63.5%. These insects were the main pests in urban buildings. In the second place came Hylotrupes bajulus occurring in the range of 25.9 to 45.1%. The other insects were to be found within the limits of 0.1 to 10.0%; only in a single instance did the amount reach 24...
J Dominik, J Wazny, M Czajnik

A laboratory method for assessing the effectiveness of remedial treatments in preventing post-treatment emergence of Anobium punctatum
1982 - IRG/WP 2175
R W Berry

Supercooling points of Anobium punctatum, the common furniture beetle
1995 - IRG/WP 95-10120
Ice formation within the body of larvae of the common furniture beetle Anobium punctatum causes death of the larvae. Freezing can therefore be used as a means of eradication of the larvae in infested wood. To optimize the freezing process, knowledge of the temperatures sufficient to kill the larvae is essential. Ice formation is initiated by temperatures equaling the so-called supercooling point, ...
T E Hallas, K Bohn Hansen

Use of freeze disinfection for the control of the common furniture beetle Anobium punctatum
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1528
The common furniture beetle Anobium punctatum is an extremely widespread pest of wooden objects in Danish museums. In order to develop non-chemical methods of controlling the pests, experiments were conducted to elucidate the lower lethal temperature of Anobium punctatum. The egg stage was used for the experiments as it is considered the most temperature resistant stage. Groups of Anobium punctatu...
L Stengård Hansen

Bibliography on the common furniture beetle Anobium punctatum (De Geer) (Coleoptera, Anobiidae)
1980 - IRG/WP 1104
M-M Serment, H Becker

Laboratory induction of pupation and emergence in Anobium punctatum (Deg) (Col Anobiidae)
1973 - IRG/WP 219
The reluctance of Anobium punctatum to pupate and emerge outside its normal summer emergence period has led to attempts to induce pupation by artificial manipulation of the temperature conditions at which larvae are held. Infested hazel (Corylus avellana) twigs were subjected to temperature schedules which simulated some aspects of a spring climate. It was found that 40 days of a diurnal temperatu...
R W Berry

Domestic wood preservation - Remedial treatments in Australia
1978 - IRG/WP 3128
Domestic construction in Australia relies heavily upon timber. Because of availability, local conditions and building practices, the timbers and other materials employed vary considerably between the States. In recent years, the timber floor has given way to 'raft construction' (concrete slab-on-ground). Not surprisingly, there is a tendency in each State to use local timbers for...
J Beesley, H Greaves

Anobium punctatum De Geer (Coleoptera Anobiidae)
1980 - IRG/WP 1103
Anobium punctatum de Geer (1) est un Coléoptère qui appartient au sous-ordre des Teredilia et à la famille des Anobiidae. Cet insecte a été décrit pour la première fois par Charles de Geer, entomologiste Suédois dans ses "Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire des insectes" parues en 1774, sous le nom vulgaire de Vrillette pointillée et en latin " Ptinus (punctatus) griseo fuscus". ...
M-M Serment

The effect of synthetic pyrethroid insecticides on post-treatment emergence of Anobium punctatum
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1568
Data is presented from trials in which wood specimens, treated with a range of remedial insecticidal formulations, were aged in a roof void for 5 years and then tested for emergence of adult Anobium punctatum. The technique used followed that described in IRG/WP/2175. The results from formulations containing synthetic pyrethroids are compared with those from formulations containing the chlorinated...
R W Berry

Study on leaching of a magnesium fluorosilicate product (SF salt) from wood-boards by rain in the open and by artificial shower
1976 - IRG/WP 264
The test was performed in 1961 to obtain information about (1) the comparative leaching effect of natural rain and of artificial shower in the laboratory; (2) the comparative leaching effect on the active ingredient in proportion to the dye-stuff of the product. The results show that a continuos light rainfall with low precipitation has a much stronger leaching effect than short heavy showers with...
S Cymorek

The efficacy of boron preparations
1987 - IRG/WP 3400
The toxicity threshold of boric acid for egg larvae of Hylotrupes bajulus Linné is approx. 0.4 kg/m³ of wood (71 g B/m³) over a 12-week test period, and approx. 0.3 kg/m³ of wood (53 g B/m³) over a 6-month test period. The corresponding values for borax are 0.5-0.6 kg/m³ of wood (56-68 g B/m³) and 0.3-0.4 kg/m³ of wood (34-45 g B/m³). The values are somewhat lower in the case of the egg l...
J T De Jonge

The effects of accelerated drying of green Pinus radiata on its attractiveness to Anobium punctatum as an egg-laying site
1984 - IRG/WP 1199
The methods and results are given for a series of experiments in drying Pinus radiata sapwood under a variety of conditions, then exposing the material to Anobium punctatum egg-laying. The results showed very clearly that the attractiveness of the wood to gravid females was drastically reduced when dried from green at temperatures much above 35°C. Both simple oven drying and steam kilning produce...
D J Cross

New research data confirming the suitability of bifenthrin as a wood preservative
1996 - IRG/WP 96-30116
Bifenthrin has been further tested against wood destroying insects, and its behaviour in wood has been extensively studied. Bifenthrin proved to be highly effective as a curative and preventative treatment against Anobium punctatum and Hylotrupes bajulus, after both leaching and evaporative ageing. Results of penetration tests with water and solvent based formulations, applied by brushing, dipping...
S Shires, P Héloir, B Chen, G Rustenburg

An Important Wood Destroying Beetle: Anobium punctatum (De Geer) (Coleoptera: Anobiidae) and Distribution of Western Black Sea region
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10666
Anobium punctatum (De Geer) is an economically important insect species regarding damage to wooden structures. The damage mostly occurs in historic wooden buildings, wooden chairs, tables and seats. It has been determined in the Istanbul, Ankara, Ayancik, Bartin, Rize, Trabzon, Gumushane and Gole regions of Turkey. There is no detailed study in terms of the distribution of this insect and the d...
A Toper Kaygin, Y Yildiz, Ü C Yildiz, S Yildiz, S M Onat, N K Özkazanç, B Kaygin, S Çelíkyay

Occurrence of synanthropic beetles (Coleoptera Ptinidae) and checkered beetles (Coleoptera Cleridae) in relation to climatic factors in historical buildings from North-Eastern Germany
2021 - IRG/WP 21-10980
Predatory checkered beetles occur in many historical buildings. Thus, it is essential to learn more about the ecology of these beetles, specifically for their further use as suitable beneficial organisms in biological control of wood-destroying insects. In this study, indoor climatic conditions were examined as a major factor influencing their occurrence and that of their prey Anobium punctatum an...
C Baar, C von Laar, M Willert, H Bombeck

Genetic relationships of local infestations by Anobium punctatum, Xestobium rufovillosum and their associated predator Korynetes caeruleus from buildings in North-Eastern Germany
2021 - IRG/WP 21-10982
Wood-destroying pests such as Anobium punctatum and Xestobium rufovillosum cause damage to art and cultural objects as well as to buildings. Monitoring population dynamics of pest species as well as of their naturally occurring counterparts are an essential part in the development of biological control measures as alternatives to conventional wood protection. Therefore, both the dispersal and homo...
C von Laar, C Baar, R Plarre, D P McMahon

An evaluation of the synthetic pyrethroid cypermethrin in organic solvent and emulsion formulations
1984 - IRG/WP 3290
The studies reported indicate that cypermethrin (NRDC 149) has considerable potential as an insecticide for wood preservatives. Cypermethrin appears to be about twice as effective as permethrin. The effectiveness of cypermethrin compared with g-HCH varies depending on the insect species, the phase of the life cycle and size of larva: for example, against mature Anobium larvae cypermethrin is appro...
S J Read, R W Berry

Current status of AAC preservatives in New Zealand
1980 - IRG/WP 3141
Two types of alkylammonium compounds (AAC) have been approved as commercially acceptable wood preservatives by the NZ Timber Preservation Authority (TPA). They are alkyldimethylbenzyl ammonium chloride and alkyldimethylamine acetate, both of which must contain either (a) 70% alkyl chains of C12 + C14 and less than 10% of any other individual chain length, or (b) 85% alkyl chains of C12 + C14 with ...
J A Butcher