Your search resulted in 11 documents.
Evaluation of wood treated with copper-based preservatives for Cu loss during exposure to heat and copper-tolerant Bacillus licheniformis
1999 - IRG/WP 99-20155
Copper-based wood preservatives need to be effective against exposure to all types of microorganisms. Wood treated with six copper-based preservatives was exposed to 121°C and 20 psi pressure for 15 minutes under standard autoclave conditions and the copper-tolerant bacterium, Bacillus licheniformis CC01, for 10 d at 28°C and 150 rpm. Sixteen to 37 percent of the copper was released from the woo...
D M Crawford, C A Clausen
CCA removal from treated wood by chemical, mechanical and microbial processing
1998 - IRG/WP 98-50101-26
Most preservative-treated wood produced and consumed in the U.S. is treated with toxic inorganic compounds containing copper, chromium, and arsenic. Because chromated copper arsenate (CCA) is fixed to the wood, treated wood has not been considered toxic or hazardous and is currently landfilled. Increasing public concern about environmental contamination from treated wood combined with increasing q...
C A Clausen, R L Smith
Semi-Solid State Bioremediation of CCA-Treated Wood Using Malted Barley as a Nutrient Source
2002 - IRG/WP 02-50184
Bioremediation processes for recovery and reuse of CCA-treated wood invariably increase the cost of any secondary products manufactured from the remediated fiber. Microbial remediation using either bacteria or fungi has been shown to remove heavy metals from CCA-treated southern yellow pine (SYP). In a two-step remediation process utilizing oxalic acid extraction and the metal-tolerant bacterium...
C A Clausen
Enhanced removal of CCA from treated wood by Bacillus licheniformis in continuous culture
1997 - IRG/WP 97-50083
A gram positive, spore-forming bacterium, which was isolated from a 20-year-old Forest Service test plot of CCA-treated 2 x 4's in Madison, WI., demonstrated the ability to release copper, chromium, and arsenic from CCA-treated wood in liquid culture. CCA-treated sawdust was exposed to this organism, which has been presumptively identified as Bacillus licheniformis. Analysis of the sawdus...
C A Clausen
Effect of remediation on the release of copper, chromium, and arsenic from particleboard made from CCA treated wood
2001 - IRG/WP 01-50170
This study sought to determine the effect of remediation with oxalic acid (OA) extraction and Bacillus licheniformis fermentation on the release of copper, chromium, and arsenic from particleboard made from remediated wood particles and also investigates durability of the particleboard against white and brown- rot fungi. Particleboard samples were manufactured using untreated, CCA-treated, OA-extr...
S N Kartal, C A Clausen
Isolation and identification of bacteria from degraded wood - A progress report
1986 - IRG/WP 192
During attempts to isolate tunnelling bacteria in pure culture, physical separation from other bacteria was successfully achieved by the use of cellophane. Cellophane was used in liquid cultures as a substrate for tunnelling bacteria that were present in a mixture with other bacteria. By tunnelling into cellophane, TB were physically removed from contaminating bacteria which could then be removed ...
J A Drysdale, P J Ruland, J A Butcher
Isolation and identification of bacteria from CCA-treated eucalypt power transmission poles
1987 - IRG/WP 1317
Bacteria have been isolated from CCA treated Eucalyptus maculata poles which possessed characteristic bacterial decay patterns. Cultures were isolated on a number of different media which had been inoculated with a splinter of degraded wood. Primary tests indicated that most isolates belonged to the genera Pseudomonas and Bacillus. The species Pseudomonas cepacia was most frequently isolated....
G A Willoughby, A C Hayward, L E Leightley
Integrated protection of freshly sawn lumber using Bacillus subtilis and selected fungicide
1997 - IRG/WP 97-10235
Bioprotection against stain fungi has tremendous potential for reducing discoloration of freshly sawn wood while decreasing chemical consumption. Unfortunately, most bioprotectants appear to be unable to consistently perform under the array of conditions to which freshly sawn wood is exposed. While research is underway to understand the nature of the inconsistent performance, a more pragmatic appr...
M E Mankowski, M Anderson, J J Morrell
Effect of nutrient regimes, temperature, pH, and wood sterilization method on performance of selected bioprotectants against wood staining fungi
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1551
The effect of nutrient regimes, incubation temperature, media pH, and wood sterilization method on performance of four potential bioprotectants (Pseudomonas putida, Pseudomonas cepacia, Bacillus subtilis, and Trichoderma harzianum) against wood staining fungi were evaluated using small ponderosa pine samples over a four week period. Incubation at 32°C resulted in slight increases in the degree of...
J J Morrell, C M Secton
The association of bacteria with the increased permeability of water-stored spruce wood
1973 - IRG/WP 325
A microbiological investigation was undertaken to check our earlier work on patterns of bacterial counts and pH changes in water-stored wood. A survey of industrial activity was conducted upstream from the storage site with a view to explaining the existing bacterial flora. Further experiments were carried out with spruce bolts in enclosed tanks, using lake water with its natural bacterial flora a...
J A Dunleavy, J P Moroney, S E Rossell
Study of new wood preservatives from biological origin and low toxicity against wood decay organisms (fungi and termites)
2006 - IRG/WP 06-10600
Wood as an organic material is likely to be attacked by living organisms if no protecting treatment is applied to improve its durability. The biological agents, which in Spain, due to its specific climatologic, cause major damage to wood, are the stain fungi, the rot fungi and the subterranean termites.
The commercialisation of the products actually used to treat wood against fungi and to treat t...
M T Troya, M J Prieto, F Rubio, D Lorenzo, J J Teixidó