Your search resulted in 3 documents.
Biocontrol and bioprotection of wood decay and sapstain fungi
2003 - IRG/WP 03-10474
The most serious damages caused in the wood industries by decay and sapstain fungi, and the growing international pressures on the use of biocides products with toxic active ingredients harmful to human health and the environment, have made it necessary to search for alternative chemical products to protect the wood, and for the possibility to use micro-organisms as biological controllers. This la...
M T De Troya, F Rubio, M Villarreal, F Arenal, F Llinares, V Rubio, D Muñoz-Mingarro, N Acero
Integrated protection of freshly sawn lumber using Bacillus subtilis and selected fungicide
1997 - IRG/WP 97-10235
Bioprotection against stain fungi has tremendous potential for reducing discoloration of freshly sawn wood while decreasing chemical consumption. Unfortunately, most bioprotectants appear to be unable to consistently perform under the array of conditions to which freshly sawn wood is exposed. While research is underway to understand the nature of the inconsistent performance, a more pragmatic appr...
M E Mankowski, M Anderson, J J Morrell
Effects of chemical pretreatment of Douglas-fir heartwood on efficacy of potential bioprotection agents
1990 - IRG/WP 1440
Biological protection against wood decay fungi represents an environmentally attractive alternative to the use of chemicals; however, the process of identifying suitable candidates and the conditions that ensure successful protection pose major challenges. One critical aspect of this problem is to identify organisms that can rapidly and uniformly colonize the wood. Wood contains low levels of nutr...
B Dawson-Andoh, J J Morrell