Your search resulted in 15 documents.
Errata in Document NO: IRG/WP/472
1981 - IRG/WP 483
L N Santhakumaran, J C Jain
Additions and corrections to recent names for some common decay fungi
1977 - IRG/WP 167
A Käärik
Valid names for some common decay fungi, their synonyms and vernacular names
1978 - IRG/WP 172
A Käärik
Recent names for some common decay fungi
1976 - IRG/WP 143
A Käärik
List of fungi in soft-rot tests
1975 - IRG/WP 105
This list gives information on the terrestrial and marine species and strains of fungi tested for soft-rot ability in pure culture with data on their decay activity in untreated wood. An index of the timber species tested is added. The compilation is based on 1) the list of soft-rot fungi of the former OECD Group (Doc.No. 27/DAS/CSI/M/559), Oct. 1968, prepared by R. Rösch and W. Liese, 2) informa...
G Seehann, W Liese, B Kess
Collaborative soft rot tests. Names and addresses of collaborators
1973 - IRG/WP 231
IRG Secretariat
Some wood-destroying Basidiomycetes. Volume 1 of a collection of monographs
1981 - IRG/WP 1121
One of the first tasks of the International Research Group on Wood Preservation, when it began its work in 1969, was to compile a series of reports on the common decay fungi which can attack wood. This volume, which contains the first of these reports, has been compiled with the help of mycologists and wood preservation specialists in France, Ghana, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Netherlands...
R Cockcroft
The most important wood-destroying insects in various countries (Results of questionnaire)
1981 - IRG/WP 1136
M-M Serment
Valid names for some common decay fungi and their synonyms
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1522
The taxonomy of wood destroying fungi has changed noticeably within the last ten years. New genera and more well defined generic concepts have emerged with concomitant and necessary changes in nomenclature. The following is a revision of a list originally prepared by Kaarik (1979) in collaboration with Professor Dr. C. Jacquiot (France), Mr. J. G. Savory (United Kingdom) and Dr. G. Seehann (Federa...
M J Larsen, R M Rentmeester
Chapter 1 - Introduction to bamboo
2007 - IRG/WP 07-10635-01
In this introductory chapter the botanical position, distribution, utilization,
outlooks, production, research, importance, propagation, natural
durability, preservative treatment, importance of preservative treatment,
treating principles, research on preservative treatment of bamboos and
the objectives of this book have been described briefly under individual
A K Lahiry
Valid scientific names of wood-decaying fungi in construction timber and their vernacular names in England, Germany, France, Sweden, Norway and Denmark
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1546
The valid scientific names of 100 species of wood decaying fungi in construction timber are listed, the citation of authors' names is standardized, and an index of the most commonly used synonyms is compiled. For each species vernacular names used in England, Germany, France, Sweden, Norway and Denmark are listed. The list of names is an attempt to update the current use of the most impor...
F Rune, A P Koch
Introducing bamboos for their importance and conservation
2005 - IRG/WP 05-10546
Bamboo is a socio-economically, industrially and environmentally important forest and rural crop in Asia. It is an essential task for the people in this region to conserve the bamboos and preserve the bamboo products for their sustainable continuity. An earnest need for this task is to introduce a variety of important information on bamboos. In this research paper the botanical position, distribut...
A K Lahiry
World list of wood preservative names
1980 - IRG/WP 387
The list contains names that have been collected by the author over many years and includes besides traditional wood preservatives, exterior wood finishes and preservative stains, and some preservative coatings. Generally, however, primers and paints have been deliberately excluded. The list includes also products that have been claimed as wood preservatives, as well as a few fire-retardant coatin...
R Cockcroft
From wood protection to health protection: larvicidal potential of formulations containing Sextonia rubra wood residues extract against Aedes aegypti mosquitoes
2020 - IRG/WP 20-10968
French Guiana is a French overseas territory almost entirely covered by Amazonian rainforest and characterized by its incredible biodiversity. Several woody species harboured by this tropical forest are exploited sustainably for timber industry. They are commercialized notably for carpentry and outdoor applications because of their remarkable natural durability. Among them, stand Dicorynia guianen...
E Cervil, N Amusant, E Wozniak, I Dusfour, J-B Duchemin, D Azam, M Coke, E Houël
Sustainable wood products development in a bio-refinery perspective: case studies in French Guiana
2022 - IRG/WP 22-50370
French Guiana, by its belonging to the Amazon region and the Guiana shield, has very specific environmental and social characteristics in the French regional ensemble. In this context, it is thus necessary to find how to reconcile the economic development of the territory, the conservation of biodiversity and the recognition of local knowledge and practices. Bringing together multidisciplinary ski...
E Houël, N Amusant, J Passelande, J Bossu, R Lehnebach, E Wozniak