Your search resulted in 5 documents.
Autoxidation of beech condensate
2003 - IRG/WP 03-40261
Liquid effluent from steaming beech wood was studied. The effluent contains many phenolic compounds which can present a significant toxicity. The effluent was treated by oxidation was carried out at 250 rpm for 30 min with NaOH. This was followed flocculation with CaCl2 for 30 min. The influence of parameters such as pH, time of autoxidation were studied. Experimental results reveal the electrosta...
M Irmouli, J P Haluk
Kiln drying of CCA-treated wood - Some safety and environmental considerations
1987 - IRG/WP 3443
Vapours and condensate from a condenser kiln in which CCA-treated wood was being dried have been collected and analysed. The concentrations of arsenic, copper and chromium found in the vapours from the drying process were well below Swedish threshold limit values. The contents of arsenic and chromium were also low in the condensate, although the copper content was fairly high. The latter result wa...
J Jermer, B Lundberg
Chemical Remediation of Beech Condensates
2004 - IRG/WP 04-50221
In the present work, The beech wood condensate are subsequently separated from the aqueous phase. Experimental results reveal the electrostatic interaction between the oppositely charged wood extracts after oxidation and Ca(OH)2. The influence of parameters such as pH, oxidation were studied. The increase in aqueous phase pH resulted in enhanced removal of wood extracts from water. The effect of p...
M Irmouli, J P Haluk
Less pollution due to technical approaches on accelerated steam fixation of chromated wood preservatives
1988 - IRG/WP 3487
Steaming of freshly treated wood at 100°C to 120°C initiates a spontaneous fixation of copper-chromate-containing wood preservatives. For the performance, a suitable anticorrosive equipment is necessary. Good results can be achieved using a separate steaming equipment which allows a rapid heating of the wood. While warming-up, in the wood some preservative solution extends and can be partly extr...
H Willeitner, R-D Peek
Fixation of chromated wood preservatives through technical drying
1990 - IRG/WP 3623
Twin samples of sawn timber of Pinus sylvestris and Picea sp. were treated with copper-chromate-containing wood preservatives and subsequently kiln resp. air dried. After drying, the distribution of preservative and rate of fixation were determined. Drying of freshly treated wood in a condenser type kiln at temperatures of 60°C and 80°C and in a vacuum type kiln at 55°C with a pressure of about...
R-D Peek, H Klipp