Your search resulted in 8 documents.
Cytoplasmic and extracellular localization of manganese II dependent peroxidase(s) in white rot fungi during degradation of woody materials
1989 - IRG/WP 1416
The manner by which lignin is degraded in-situ in natural substrates by white rot fungi still remains a controversial issue particularly the distribution and role(s) played by lignin degrading enzymes (i.e. manganese II peroxidase and lignin peroxidase). In the present study, use was made of anti-manganese II peroxidase and immunolabelling techniques in conjunction with transmission electron micro...
G F Daniel, B Pettersson, T Nilsson, J Volc
Immunolabelling studies on the detection of enzymes during the degradation of wood by Phanerochaete chrysosporium
1988 - IRG/WP 1364
The degradation of lignin in native lignocellulosic substrates by white rot fungi is poorly understood. Biochemical studies have shown the involvement of a number extracellular ligninolytic enzymes released by white rot fungi which are capable of the oxidative conversion of DHP's (lignin model compounds) in vitro, but to date conclusive evidence for occurrence of these enzymes in wood und...
G F Daniel, T Nilsson, B Pettersson
Detection of methanogenic bacteria in mining timber
1988 - IRG/WP 1352
Methane explosions in gold mines have been attributed to spontaneous ignition of methane/air mixtures. Biogenesis of methane in the heartwood of diseased trees has been shown, but never in timber in service. Studies were therefore undertaken to establish whether methanogens were present in wooden pit props. Core samples were removed by Pressler increment borer from props in disused areas 2,600 m d...
L D Abraham, K Westlake, R I Mackie, J F Putterill, A A W Baecker.
Immunolocalization of extracellular metabolites from Poria placenta
1988 - IRG/WP 1361
Polyclonal antisera produced to Poria placenta extracellular metabolites was used in immuno-fluoresence microscopy and immuno-gold TEM studies. In the fluorescence work, labelling of Poria placenta hyphae in wet fixed wood material was observed but not in infected wood which was oven dried prior to sectioning and immunolabelling. TEM studies provided better resolution, with gold labelling detected...
B Goodell, G F Daniel, J Jellison, T Nilsson
A study of methanogenesis and sulphate-reduction: A possible source of explosive gas mixtures in a gold mine
1989 - IRG/WP 1399
Previous work isolated anaerobic bacteria from timbers and drainage water in a gold mine. The present work identifies the predominant methanogen in the mine ecosystem as Methanobacterium bryantii and sulphate-reducing isolates as Desulphovibrio desulphuricans and Desulphotomaculum antarcticum. Laboratory studies using model systems evaluate the activity of methanogenic and sulphate-reducing bacter...
L D Abraham, J F Putterill, A A W Baecker
Durability of wooden shop-name signage coated with Urushi lacquer and gold leaf attached to the facade of building in Japan
2012 - IRG/WP 12-20493
Wooden shop-name signage plated with gold leaf is one of the characteristics of newly developed westernized commercial buildings appeared after the Great Kanto earthquake of 1923 in Japan. The signage still remains mainly in old districts. The signage with independent letters (Chinese character) shows off the name of the shop with golden colour on the façade of building. The number of these shops...
K Yamamoto, M Kiguchi
Visualization of gold/silver nanostars in wood by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy
2014 - IRG/WP 14-30653
Nanotechnology is a fast growing up-to-date technology and ventures expeditiously in the wood preservative market. However, there is still a huge lack of understanding about the interaction and incorporation of nanoparticles (NSs) in wood. Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) offers unique advantages as an analytical tool with a high selectivity and sensitivity without matrix interference. Her...
C Geers, L Rodríguez-Lorenzo, M Placencia Peña, P Brodard, T Volkmer, B Rothen-Rutishauser, A Petri-Fink
Development of a new characterization method to analyse Cypermethrin penetration in wood material by immunolabelling
2015 - IRG/WP 15-30674
The preservative efficacy of organic biocides is strongly related to their capacity of penetration and retention within wood tissues. The specific detection of the pyrethroid insecticide cypermethrin is currently obtained after extraction followed by chemical analysis by chromatography techniques. However visualizing the insecticide molecule within the wood structure requires specific probes toget...
S Tapin-Lingua, K Ruel, J-P Joseleau, D Messaoudi, O Fahy, M Jequel, M Petit-Conil