Your search resulted in 5 documents.
Studies on the infesting behaviour of the Formosan termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki and its physical control
1983 - IRG/WP 1174
An outline of termite damage to buildings in Japanese National Railways, wood-infesting behavior, attacked traces in PVC-sheathed cables by termites, detection method of termites and the physical control method of the Formosan termite are given in the present paper....
K Yamano
Effects of seed origin and site on both wood density and longitudinal fluid uptake of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) with height in the tree grown in the United Kingdom
2002 - IRG/WP 02-40226
The variation in density and longitudinal fluid uptake was investigated in short specimens of wood taken from eight seed origins of Sitka spruce trees grown at two sites in the UK. Five trees of each seed origin at each site were sampled at three heights (1, 2 and 3 m above ground
level). The density of the samples decreased with increasing height within the stem. This corresponded with increasin...
I Usta, M D C Hale
Intraspecific variability of durability of Wapa courbaril (Eperua grandiflora) against Antrodia sp. and Coriolus versicolor: effect of radial and height position in the stem
2004 - IRG/WP 04-10531
The variation of a lesser-used species, Eperua grandiflora attacked by brown and white rot has been examined. Trees of this specie showed differences in their behaviour against the type of rot used and also showed evidence of intra and inter tree variation. The “tree” effect is very significant concerning natural resistance. In the same way, there is variation of durability observed according ...
N Amusant, J Beauchêne, M Fournier
In vivo growth study on two gymnosperms and four angiosperms for REB wood poles
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10246
Revealed that the highest growth rates and pole yield in two plantation sites in Bangladesh are significant with 2.06 cm/y in diameter, 0.97 m/y in height and 90% pole yield within 19y in Pinus caribaea; 1.96 cm/y, 0.91 m/y and 100% pole yield within 15y in Xylia dolabriformis; 1.88 cm/y, 0.91 m/y and 22% pole yield within 13y in Dipterocarpus turbinatus; 1.64 cm/y, 0.82 m/y and 28.75% pole within...
A K Lahiry
The effect of stack height on the performance of preservatives used for the prevention of sapstain on seasoning wood
1997 - IRG/WP 97-10192
The performance of three anti-sapstain preservatives was investigated under field conditions in south east England. The preservatives under test were: copper-8-quinolinolate (Mitrol PQ8) trimethylalkylammoniumchloride and sodium hexanoate (Sinesto B) and chlorothalonil (Tuff Brite). The preservatives were tested on Corsican Pine grown in south east England. The field trial was set up to investigat...
J R Williams, D J Dickinson, J F Webber