Your search resulted in 10 documents.
Decay factors in termite in-ground monitoring stations
2012 - IRG/WP 12-10775
Subterranean termites are serious pests of wood in service in much of the world. One of the most common techniques for monitoring and controlling termites is the use of in-ground monitoring stations which comprise a wood or other cellulosic material monitor (cellulosic matrix) and/or a termiticide bait held in a open plastic holder so facilitates examination and the termite access. Wood and other ...
S Duarte, A M Taylor, Jae-Woo Kim, J D Lloyd, M Duarte, L Nunes
Notes on the resistance of tropical woods against termites
1985 - IRG/WP 1249
This paper deals with a descriptive account on the effect of experimental methods, matrix, species of termites, solid wood and wood extract on the resistance and repellency of woods against three species of termites, i.e. Cryptotermes cynocephalus Light; Coptotermes curvignathus Holmgren and Reticulitermes lucifugus (Rossi). Two methods of experiment were used, the Forced Feeding Test and the Feed...
Nana Supriana
Immunogold localisation of catalytic domain of endocellulase in the cellulosic substrates
1997 - IRG/WP 97-10205
The reaction of catalytic domain of endocellulase on the cellulosic substrates was visualised by using immunogold labelling procedures to obtain a better understanding of the mechanism of enzymatic cellulose hydrolysis. Polyclonal antibody was produced against the catalytic domain of endo-l, 4-ß-glucanase (EGI) from a ruminal anaerobic bacterium Ruminococcus albus F-40. Immuno-TEM works showed th...
Yoon Soo Kim, Seung-Gon Wi, Kyu Ho Myung, K Ohmiya, S Karita
Effect of moisture and cellulosic substrate on decay of hardwoods by soft-rot fungi
1982 - IRG/WP 2173
The development by Forintek Canada Corp. of standard test procedures for laboratory preservative evaluations using soft-rot fungi was requested by the American Wood Preservers' Association. In Europe, through cooperative studies in the International Research Group on Wood Preservation, several attempts have been made to produce a standard procedure, but variability in results obtained bet...
A Byrne, R S Smith
A novel chemical barrier system, KORDON® TMB, for the protection of buildings against subterranean termites using a synthetic matrix as carrier for the chemical
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10264
Kordon TMB is a new chemical barrier system for installation beneath concrete slab-on-ground constructions using a matrix other than soil as carrier for the termiticide. The product consists of a synthetic foraminous web (blanket) carrying the synthetic pyrethroid deltamethrin. The blanket is laminated on the upper side to a standard 0.2mm thick moisture vapour membrane of low density polyethylene...
M Lenz, P Morrow, S Runko
The density factor in termite bioassays
1985 - IRG/WP 1252
The initial and final floor surface and food block surface actually used by termites in a small container were converted to estimates of "Living Space" and "Feeding Space" densities for 1/32 to 1½ g groups of termites. The termites were provided with blocks of blotter paper as a food supply. Except where 1½ g groups exhausted the food, the survival of termites was uniformly high (averaging >9...
G R Esenther
Kd values of Cu, Cr, As in different soil matrix
2007 - IRG/WP 07-50247
Chromated copper arsenate (CCA), a long history of successful preservative, have raised environmental concerns. Adsorption characteristics of domestic soils for chromium, copper, and arsenic were assessed by measuring distribution coefficient (Kd) values of these metal components. The results revealed that Kd values were higher in chromium, followed by arsenic and copper in soil matrix. Different...
Sung-Mo Kang, Seung-Hun Shin, Ja-Oon Koo
Wood plastic composites from modified wood. Part 3. Durability of WPCs with bioderived matrix
2008 - IRG/WP 08-40423
The decay resistance of fully bio-derived wood plastic composites, WPCs, was tested in both laboratory and field tests. The laboratory tests were performed according to modified versions of AWPA E10 (soil-block test) and ENV 807 (tests in three un-sterile soils) and the field tests according to EN 252 (stakes in ground) and EN 275 (resistance to marine borers). The WPC materials for laboratory tes...
M Westin, P Larsson Brelid, B K Segerholm, M Van den Oever
Effects of exposure time on detection of the behavior of white-rot fungi on Oriental beech wood properties
2017 - IRG/WP 17-10902
The comparison of fungal degradation of Orientalis beechwood by two white-rot fungi was evaluated in this study. Biological, mechanical, and chemical assessments of beech wood were carried out at 30 day interval for 120 days. The results demonstrated that both fungi have greater effects on beech wood during each exposure time. However, Trametes versicolor degraded beech wood more effectively than ...
E Bari, D D Nicholas, K M Ohno
Antifouling wood matrix with natural water transfer and micro reaction channels for water treatment
2019 - IRG/WP 19-40853
Wood with abundant nutrition transport channels could be considered as a kind of natural water purifier due to quick and effective passages for separation. Nevertheless, microporosity as main porous structure of initial wood are not enough to effectively separate small molecular, such as organic dye pollutants. Meanwhile, like most filters the fouling resulting in blocking and poor water flux will...
G Liu, D Xu, S Chang, J Hu, Xianjun Li5, Y Liu