Your search resulted in 33 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.
Development of decay hazard maps based on decay prediction models
2016 - IRG/WP 16-20588
Durability plays a very central role in timber engineering, especially when working with wood in use class 3 and above where the risk of decay is high. As one of the primary decay influencing factors, the external condition, i.e. the local climate, is often graded by some type of climate index value. Predominately, climate indices are based on a direct relationship between weather data and decay. ...
J Niklewski, E Frühwald Hansson, C Brischke, D Kavurmaci
Can CCA be substituted as reference preservative?
2018 - IRG/WP 18-20641
While field testing of wood protective formulations remains probably the best method to find out the effective preservative concentration, the use of chrome-copper arsenate (CCA) as reference becomes debatable due to environmental and legislative reasons. This emerges from the European standardization bodies who have discussed reference alternatives that can omit the use of CCA. The present debate...
N Terziev, M Jebrane, P Larsson Brelid, N Morsing, P-O Flaete, P Torniainen, J S Kim, G Daniel
Comparative performance of wood/wood-based claddings predicted by four hygrothermal simulation tools
2019 - IRG/WP 19-20646
A number of hygrothermal numerical simulation packages are available, either wholly or partially dedicated to heat, air and moisture transfer simulations of building materials and wall assemblies. The objective of this work was to compare the hygrothermal responses and the moisture performance of western red cedar and composite wood claddings of a wood frame wall as predicted by four hygrothermal ...
M Defo, M Lacasse, A Laouadi
Observed and projected changes in the climate based decay hazard of timber in the United Kingdom
2020 - IRG/WP 20-20665
The risk of microbiological attack on wood is determined by both material and climatic factors and indeed the hazard for a component is based on its intrinsic durability and the conditions in which it is used. The use of wood and organic materials in construction is increasing but ultimately all these materials will be susceptible to microbiological attack. The Scheffer Climate index applies clima...
S F Curling, G A Ormondroyd
Modelling decay rates of timber exposed above ground on four different continents
2020 - IRG/WP 20-20670
Durability performance data from an international decking trial were analysed to explore relationships with climate variables, particularly those related to temperature and rainfall. Matched decking samples of slash pine (Pinus elliottii) sapwood and heartwood, spotted gum (Corymbia citriodora), Norway spruce (Picea abies) and Scots pine sapwood (Pinus sylvestris) were exposed to the weather above...
L P Francis, J J Morrell, C Brischke, P B Van Niekerk, J Norton
A novel cellulose-binding domain from the brown-rot fungus Gloeophyllum trabeum
2023 - IRG/WP 23-11019
Wood-rotting basidiomycetes are the major organisms decomposing wood in nature. They are classified into two groups based on their decay modes; white-rot fungi and brown-rot fungi. White-rot fungi secrete various cellulolytic enzymes during the wood degradation process. The enzymes are known to be often appended with a cellulose binding domain (CBD) which assists the activity of catalytic domain. ...
Y Kojima, N Sunagawa, M Aoki, M Wada, K Igarashi, M Yoshida
The cellulose binding mechanism of a novel cellulose binding domain from the brown-rot fungus Gloeophyllum trabeum
2023 - IRG/WP 23-11021
In nature, wood decay is caused by various wood-rotting basidiomycetes. Wood-rotting basidiomycete are mainly divided into white-rot fungi and brown-rot fungi. Their main carbon source is cellulose of the wood cell wall during wood decay, and they produce a variety of enzymes to decompose cellulose. The cellulolytic enzymes often possess a cellulose binding domain (CBD) as an additional domain con...
M Aoki, Y Kojima, M Wada, M Yoshida
A novel cellulose-binding domain from the brown-rot fungus that can be used to evaluate cellulose in wood
2024 - IRG/WP 24-11046
Wood-rotting basidiomycetes are the primary microorganisms that decay wood in nature. They are classified as white-rot fungi and brown-rot fungi by the difference in decaying types. White-rot fungi secrete a variety of cellulolytic enzymes during wood degradation. These enzymes often have an additional cellulose-binding domain (CBD) that adsorbs to the cellulose surface and localizes the catalytic...
Y Kojima, N Sunagawa, S Tagawa, T Hatano, S Nakaba, M Aoki, M Wada, K Igarashi, M Yoshida