Your search resulted in 4 documents.
Effect of CCA and Tanalith E on the performance of surface finishing
2008 - IRG/WP 08-40405
Effect of CCA and Tanalith E treatment on the performance of surface finishing properties was the objectives of this study. Sapwood of scots pine, (Pinus sylvestris L.) and oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsk.) specimens (300 x 100 x 15 mm along the grain) were impregnated with aqueous solution of CCA 2% and Tanalith E 2%.
Surface roughness, dry film thickness, adhesion strength, gloss measur...
T Ozdemir, A Temiz, I Aydin
Evaluation of color and gloss in decorative applied to cases of Pinus radiata wood impregnated (D. Don) copper type C azole micronized
2015 - IRG/WP 15-20571
Six treatments (one control and five decoration coatings) were applied to radiata pine wood treated with micronized copper azole (uCA-C), for outdoor use (R3) at a rate of 3.08 kg/m3 retention (T2). One decoration coating was applied before impregnation treatment: Prestain P (T3), and two, were applied in mixture with the uCA-C preservative Black Cylinder (T5) and Red Cylinder (T4). Two varnish we...
R Garay, M Inostroza
Aesthetic changes of coated thermally modified wood after artificial weathering
2017 - IRG/WP 17-40819
The thermal modification process affects the chemical configuration of the wood matrix improving some physical properties and durability. In addition, the distinctive dark tones of thermally modified timber increase the economic value of several light-coloured species. However, heat-treatment alters the substrates and it could influence in the application of coating products, necessaries to mainta...
R Herrera, J Sandak, E Robles, J Labidi
Gloss and hardness variations as early indicators of wood coating failure during weathering tests
2019 - IRG/WP 19-40866
The objective was to track early changes which ultimately will lead to coating failure when exposed to artificial weathering. Two different coatings (one waterborne acrylic paint and one solventborne alkyd stain) were exposed to artificial weathering for 2016 hours according to EN 927-6. Every 168 hours, samples were removed from the artificial weathering device for assessment (general appearance,...
L Podgorski