Your search resulted in 31 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.
Scientific development for prolonging the service life of timbers by impregnating with creosote or organic solvent type preservatives in which additive has been incorporated
1977 - IRG/WP 382
Chemically impregnated wood has played a prominent part in the Telephone and Electricity Distribution Industry during the past century and there is no doubt that it will play an equally prominent part in the future. The reasons why wood poles and wooden, structures predominate, are that when adequately chemically impregnated with a recognised timber preservative to ensure the expected service life...
P R B D De Bruin
Leaching of components from water-borne paints and fungitoxic effects
1995 - IRG/WP 95-20062
Water-borne model paints, acrylics and alkyd emulsion paints, of known composition were leached according to a procedure modified in accordance with ASTM 6271.1. The effectiveness of fungicidal compounds in the painted specimens before and after leaching was evaluated with a biotest in which Penicillium brevicompactum was used as a test fungus. The leaching of the fungicide Troysan Polyphase accor...
J Bjurman
Long-term performance of a "wax" type additive for use with water-borne pressure preservative treatments
2000 - IRG/WP 00-40159
Field performance results are updated for matched CCA treated decking boards with and without an emulsion water repellent additive incorporated with the initial pressure treatment. Decks have been exposured for over 9 years in Harrisburg, NC. Boards were evaluated for in-service and laboratory performance for water repellent efficacy, as well as additive loadings in the boards after this exposure....
A R Zahora
Water-borne preservative marine trials in Western Canada
1981 - IRG/WP 470
Red pine boards treated with chromated copper arsenate, ammoniacal copper arsenate, copper zinc arsenic additive, a modified ammoniacal copper arsenate, and zinc arsenic additive, have been installed in a marine field test at West Vancouver, British Columbia. After two and a quarter years exposure, all the test samples are in excellent condition with the exception of those treated with the zinc ar...
J N R Ruddick
Water-repellent additive for CCA
1991 - IRG/WP 3655
Hickson have developed a water repellent additive for incorporation into copper-chromium-arsenate timber treatment solutions. The water repellent emulsion shows good stability in the treatment solution, is easily incorporated and applied in a single stage treatment. No modifications to the additive is safe to treatment schedule are usually needed and use. Weathering of the treated wood is substant...
P Warburton, R F Fox, J A Cornfield
End grain sealants for wood preservation studies
1985 - IRG/WP 3341
The results of tests with possible end grain sealants for wood preservation studies are reported. The epoxy resins used gave satisfactory performance on wet or dry Sitka spruce and have been used with success for diffusion treatment studies....
R J Murphy, N A Summers
Influence of pre-swelling conditioning on swellometer results for CCA and water repellent additive treated wood
1997 - IRG/WP 97-20125
The pre-test moisture content and conditioning history of wafers cut from wood treated with CCA and an emulsion water repellent additive can dramatically influence swelling curves generated using a standard swellometer apparatus. The rate of water uptake and swelling increased significantly as wafers were dried to lower moisture contents prior to immersion swelling. The pre-swelling conditioning h...
A R Zahora
Blue Stain Testing of Alkyd and Acrylic Stains
2003 - IRG/WP 03-20273
Resistance against blue stain of semi-transparent alkyd and acrylic stains was tested by both EN 152 and the so-called reverse exposure test methods. Comparison of the results, obtained by both methods was the most important aim of this study. As expected, performance of the water-borne acrylic paint was lower compared to protective effectiveness of the alkyd stain. This difference was even more p...
M Petric, M Pavlic, B Kricej, M Humar, F Pohleven
Decay and termite resistance of wood treated with boron-containing quaternary ammonia compound, didecyl dimethyl ammonium tetrafluoroborate (DBF) incorporated with acryl-silicon type resin
2004 - IRG/WP 04-30334
This study evaluates the decay and termite resistance of surface-treated wood with didecyl dimethyl ammonium tetrafluoroborate (DBF) incorporated with acryl-silicon type resin emulsion. DBF is a quaternary ammonia compound and contains boric tetrafluoride (BF4-) as a counter ion in its chemical structure. In the study, DBF was incorporated with an acryl-silicon type resin to increase water-resista...
S N Kartal, W J Hwang, K Shinoda, Y Imamura
The efficacy of polymer/preservative treatments in soil-bed exposure
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3729
Southern pine was treated with CCA, CCB, sodium borax/boric acid, or disodiumoctaborate, alone or in combination with an acrylic polymer system containing a water repellent. Treated samples were subjected to an unsterile soil burial test. The addition of polymer reduced the weight loss in borontreated samples at the lower retentions but not at the higher retention. Results with borates indicate th...
R J Murphy, H M Barnes, S M Gray
Effect of a water repellent additive on the performance of ACQ treated decks
2000 - IRG/WP 00-40168
The performance of a water repellent (WR) additive formulated for use with ACQ has been evaluated. The water repellency of wood treated with this formulation was studied in laboratory and field tests. The change in moisture content of ACQ/WR treated boards under field exposure conditions is compared with that of CCA/WR treated boards. Although the water repellency of the ACQ/WR system is lower tha...
F Cui, A R Zahora
The susceptibility of acetylated Pinus radiata to mould and stain fungi
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1548
The aim of this investigation was to determine the effect of 5, 10, 15 and 20 percent acetylation weight gains on the susceptibility of Pinus radiata sapwood to mould and stain fungi, and to establish if an acrylic paint, an oil-based stain and a water repellant gave superior protection from fungal growth on wood treated to 20% acetylation weight gain, compared to untreated wood. One treatment set...
R N Wakeling, D V Plackett, D R Cronshaw
Resistance of acrylic paints on wood against growth of the rot fungus Dacrymyces stillatus
1990 - IRG/WP 2345
In the last few years the presence of the rot fungus Dacrymyces stillatus has been repeatedly confirmed in external wood panels, particularly from wood painted with water based paints. A laboratory method for testing of the fungal resistance of paint films on wood has been developed.This method has been used to test the efficacy of the fungicides Parmetol DF 18 and Parmetol HF 25 against attack by...
J Bjurman
Standard and accelerated testing of boron-additive wood protection systems
2005 - IRG/WP 05-30381
The main objective of this research was to determine the effectiveness of boron-additive protection systems for above ground applications by means of field testing. The two field test procedures used are based on the L-joint test described in the European standard EN 330. For the first set up the boron treated timber was coated in accordance with the standard EN 330 system. The second set up is ba...
A Mohareb, J Van Acker, M Stevens
Preservatives stains as exterior wood finishes
1977 - IRG/WP 389
For many years wood preservatives and paints have been used as the only treatment for exposed wood surfaces. Because of the inherent color of the preservatives, such as creosote, the wood surface was stained as well as protected from attack by micro-organisms. Paints protect surfaces from weathering, but recently, with an increased interest in maintaining the more natural appearance of exterior wo...
D W French
Effect of aqueous polymer treatments on wood properties. Part 1: Treatability and dimensional stability
1990 - IRG/WP 3610
Partially air-dried sapwood of sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) and southern pine (Pinus spp.) was treated with either aqueous polyacrylate or aqueous dimethyloldihydroxyethyleneurea (DMDHEU) solutions. Tests for dimensional stability were conducted on matched treated and untreated pieces. Measurement of the antishrink efficiency indicated that DMDHEU was a better stabilizer than the polyacrylat...
Z Ashaari, H M Barnes, R C Vasishth, D D Nicholas, D E Lyon
Algal growth resistance of paints for coating of wood; a laboratory study
1997 - IRG/WP 97-10213
Twelve paints were tested for resistance against algae. In addition, one algicidal compound commercially used for remedial treatments of algal growth on paints was tested for its effectiveness for prevention of algal growth. An agar diffusion bioassay was employed in which paint films on filter paper discs were placed on mineral salt medium and sprayed with an algal suspension containing a mixture...
J Bjurman
The resistance of wood coated with different water-borne paints against colonisation by decay fungi
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10165
The susceptibility of wood painted with model paints of known composition to decay fungi was tested without previous weathering. Included in the study were five alkyd emulsion paints and five acrylic paints; one linseed oil paint and two solvent-borne alkyd paints. It was found that several components influenced the susceptibility of these paints. The results of the present study indicate that the...
J Bjurman
Photo-degradation of modified and non-modified wood, coated with water borne acrylic coatings during artificial light exposure
2007 - IRG/WP 07-30416
A series of experiments were carried out to investigate photo-degradation of thermally modified (at 210oC and – 0.9 bars for two hours) and non-modified spruce wood (Picea abies L (Karst)), coated with transparent and semitransparent (with 3% pigment content) acrylic coatings during artificial UV light irradiation for 200 hours. Photo-degradation was evaluated in terms of colour changes througho...
M Deka, M Tomažic, M Petric
Comparison of colour change in wood clear-coating systems including inorganic and organic UV absorbers for exterior use
2010 - IRG/WP 10-40499
The aim of this work is to compare the performance of inorganic and organic UV absorbers used in a wood coating application against weathering. Our study has investigated the colour changes of selected UV absorbers; hombitec 402 RM from the Sachtleben Company as an inorganic UV absorber, tinuvin 477 DW from the Ciba Company as an organic UV absorber. The study was carried out on two wood species; ...
Ö Özgenç, B Forsthuber, A Teischinger, C Hansmann
Effects of intumescent formulation of vinyl acetate-based coating on flame-retardancy of thin painted red lauan (Parashorea spp.) plywood
2011 - IRG/WP 10-40537
Using intumescent coatings on wood-based materials is an effective method for fire safety. The intumescent coatings consist of four major components: (1) binder resin (BR), (2) carbonizing substance (CS), (3) foam producing substance (FPS) and (4) dehydrating agent (DA). Previous studies have demonstrated that the formulation of the four components strongly influences the performance of coatings. ...
Chih-Shen Chuang, Kuang-Chung Tsai, Te-Hsin Yang, Ming-Kuang Wang, Chun-Han Ko
Development of new wood treatments combining boron impregnation and thermo modification - Effect on decay and termites durability
2014 - IRG/WP 14-40666
Environmental pressures appeared in most European countries during the last decade has lead to the development of more environmentally acceptable preservation methods. In this context, wood heat treatment has been one of the most investigated alternative methods during the last years. Treated at temperatures ranging between 180 and 220°C, wood components undergo more or less important chemical mo...
S Salman, A Pétrissans, M-F Thévenon, S Dumarçay, B Pollier, P Gérardin
Susceptibility to filamentous fungi of plywood for furniture coated with waterborne acrylic lacquers
2017 - IRG/WP 17-40778
Filamentous fungi (mould), thanks to their little trophic requirements belong to organisms which grow exceptionally easy and fast in favorable hygrothermal conditions and attack both organic and inorganic materials even with only trace amounts of organic substances on the surface. The fungi often cause spoilage of foodstuffs, worsen the aesthetic of wood-based elements, and pose a threat to the en...
A Fojutowski, M Nowaczyk-Organista, P Hochmańska
Black-stain Resistant Acrylic Latexes for Wood Coatings Applications
2017 - IRG/WP 17-40786
Translucent coatings on wood in exterior applications often fail due to photodegradation and colonization by black-stain fungi and require frequent refinishing. This limits competitiveness with alternative materials. In this project, it was hypothesized that an effective dispersion of inorganic nanoparticles will provide a translucent coating with long-term resistance to black-stain fungi. Functio...
G Boivin, A M Ritcey, P I Morris, V Landry
The Comparison of Weathering Resistance of New Generation Wood-Coating Systems
2017 - IRG/WP 17-40789
In this study, the performance of wood-coating systems containing different UV absorbers was evaluated in artificial weathering conditions. Acrylic-based resin containing three different UV absorbers was applied on oriental beech and scots pine surfaces. Weathering conditions were sustained for 84 days. After the weathering test, the change of color and roughness on the wood surface was measured t...
Ö Özgenç, S Durmaz