Your search resulted in 48 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.
The characteristics of biodegradation mechanism of gamma-irradiated wood
2007 - IRG/WP 07-20352
Gamma radiation, as an easy, fast and effective sterilisation method, changes molecular structure in pest’s living cells, but also in wooden cell walls. Radiation-induced depolymerisation causes significant changes in wood properties crucial for laboratory testing of wood-preservative effectiveness. Natural durability of wood against rot fungi in lab conditions dependency on different sterilisat...
R Despot, M Hasan, F Pohleven, M Humar, G Rep
Chelator-Mediated Fenton Chemistry in Wood Degraded by Fungi
2007 - IRG/WP 07-10618
Wood specimens were colonized by individual isolates of brown rot, white rot, soft rot and blue (sap) stain fungi. Ethyl acetate extracts of the ground wood were analyzed for their iron-reducing capabilities using a ferrozine-based assay. Extracts from wood colonized by brown rot fungi showed a significantly greater iron-reducing capability than extracts from wood colonized by white rot fungi or n...
B Goodell, G Daniel, J Jellison, Yuhui Qian
The Current Situation Of Wood Poles Installed In Ilha Do Mel: A Wood Pole Biodegradation Diagnostic
2007 - IRG/WP 07-40373
Wood CCA and CCB poles installed in Ilha do Mel, an island of Parana State, Brazil, are failed earlier than expected: just five years after being installed many poles need to be replaced with financial implications for the State Energy Company – COPEL.
In an effort to answer what causes this failure, this work shows the deterioration diagnostic of Ilha do Mel’s poles. In fact, such poles have...
C C Borges, J C Moreschi
Practice Makes Perfect: A Biodeterioration Diagnostics Database that Makes Practice
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10648
Replacement of bio-based materials deteriorated by pests costs billions annually and wastes natural resources. Wood replacement rates have remained relatively stable despite significant advances in wood preservation. This may be explained, in part, by poor end-use by uninformed users and by inadequate pest management once products are in service. This problem may be exacerbated by two opposing fac...
J S Schilling
Wood boring species present in the Tagus Estuary and the severity of their attack on wooden piles exposed in the area: a case study
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10664
Wood exposed in the marine environment is subject to degradation by wood boring organisms. This is probably one of the reasons why wood has been substituted by concrete and steel in maritime structures in many European coastal areas. Wooden piles obtained from a wharf exposed in the Tagus Estuary, Porto Brandão (Almada, Portugal) provided an opportunity to understand the main
agents of biodeter...
L M S Borges, L Nunes, A A Valente, P Palma
Utilidad práctica de mini estacas en ensayos de campo
2008 - IRG/WP 08-20395
For testing chemicals for the wood against degradation agents of biotic, known as preservatives, both testing in the laboratory and in the fields are used. Field trials (Cemetery stakes) are often accepted as more "real" whose frequency of observation is set to more or less a year in temperate climates and six months or less in tropical situations, taking into accounts the aggressiveness of the so...
O Encinas, J V Puentes, N K Sarmiento, N Mora
Fungal Attack on Lignin and Cellulose: Elucidation of Brown- and White-Rot Mechanisms Comparing Biomimetic and In-Vivo Degradation Patterns
2010 - IRG/WP 10-10714
This paper examines research and hypotheses that have been developed over several years on wood degradation mechanisms. This information is combined with new data and analyses to explain why wood decay patterns caused by brown-rot fungi and specific types of white-rot fungi are different. New data, including work with both biomimetic studies on low molecular weight compounds, degradative enzymes, ...
V Arantes, B Goodell, A M F Milagres, Yuhui Qian, T Filley, J Jellison, S Kelley
Utilidad práctica de mini estacas en ensayos de campo
2009 - IRG/WP 08-20395
For testing chemicals for the wood against degradation agents of biotic, known as preservatives, both testing in the laboratory and in the fields are used. Field trials (Cemetery stakes) are often accepted as more "real" whose frequency of observation is set to more or less a year in temperate climates and six months or less in tropical situations, taking into accounts the aggressiveness of the so...
O Encinas, J V Puentes, N K Sarmiento, N Mora
Degradations and conservation strategies for an XVIII-th century wooden church from Oltenia County, Romania
2010 - IRG/WP 10-40521
The wooden churches construction has a rich tradition in Romania, the technique spreading from North – Maramures, to South, especially in hill and mountain areas. The church from Ursi village, Oltenia County, represents a particular case, the church being abandoned since 1913. The lack of a roof for a long time resulted in severe deterioration of the whole structure. Yet the inner and outer wall...
G Niculescu, O Chachula, A Nicolaescu
Fungal biodegradation of CCA-treated wood wastes
2011 - IRG/WP 10-50276
Fungal biodegradation could be employed as a pretreatment method to alleviate problems caused by landfill disposal of CCA-treated wood wastes (e.g. a shortage of landfill space and a release of leacheate). It could be used to decrease the volume of waste and to remove metals from waste simultaneously. We have screened hundreds of decay fungi, including fungi isolated from CCA-treated wood in servi...
Gyu-Hyeok Kim, Yong-Seok Choi, Jae-Jin Kim
Decrease of stiffness properties of degraded wood predicted by means of micromechanical modeling
2011 - IRG/WP 11-40570
Wood exhibits a highly anisotropic mechanical behavior due to its heterogeneous microscopic structure and composition. Its microstructure is organized in a strictly hierarchical manner from a length scale of some nanometers, where the elementary constituents cellulose, hemicelluloses, lignin, and extractives are found, up to a length scale of some millimeters, where growth rings composed of earlyw...
T K Bader, K Hofstetter, G Alfredsen, S Bollmus
Improvement of the biological performance and dimensional stability of two tropical woods by thermal modification
2012 - IRG/WP 12-40605
Pink cedar wood and rubberwood were thermally modified at 230°C in air for 4 h or for 8 h, and then subjected to bending, compression and hardness tests to evaluate the effect of the treatment on these mechanical properties. The biological performance of the modified wood was also determined, according to EN113, and the dimensional stability measured by means of the anti-swelling efficiency. The ...
M M González-Peña
Treating Bambusa vulgaris with neem seed oil against basidiomycetic biodegradation
2012 - IRG/WP 12-30608
Realising maximum benefits from bamboo stems/culms in Nigeria are presently constrained by their almost non-acceptance for applications in most structural and construction purposes, except in comparatively low quality and some temporary applications, such as scaffolding, owing to their susceptibility to easy destruction by agents of biodegradation as a result of their poor inherent natural durabil...
A A Erakhrumen
What molecular biology can tell us about the biodegradation of lignocellulose: the utilization of molecular techniques for the detection, identification and enhanced understanding of wood degrading organisms
2013 - IRG/WP 13-20528
Molecular techniques are now routinely used in the identification, detection and analysis of wood degrading organisms. An overview of some of the early work on nucleic acid isolation and characterization will be followed by a discussion of the power of sequencing and other procedures for better understanding: the mechanisms involved in the biological degradation of wood, the metabolic basis of pre...
J Jellison, B Goodell, G Alfredsen, D Eastwood, G Daniel, S M Cragg, J K Grace
Thermal durability and biodegradation of tannin lignin adhesives
2014 - IRG/WP 14-40657
Mimosa tannins and lignosulfonates were used in wood adhesives formulation to substitute resins based on formaldehyde. Mimosa tannins were mixed with either glyoxalated sodium lignosulfonates or glyoxalated ammonium lignosulfonates. The ratios of mimosa tannins and sodium lignosulfonates varied from 20% tannins to 60% tannins. The thermal durability of the adhesives were analysed by thermogravimet...
L Chupin, B Charrier, A Pizzi, F Charrier
Evaluating the Effects of Post Dip-Treatment Laser Marking on Resistance to Feeding by Subterranean Termites
2016 - IRG/WP 16-10854
Dip-treatment of wood packing materials is often used instead of pressure treatment mainly because of issues relating to simplicity and cost. Packaging boxes fabricated for the United States Army are required to be dip-treated for at least one minute in an approved preservative solution prior to use. These boxes are expected to have a service life of up to 20 years in a wide variety of environment...
R A Arango, B Woodward, S Lebow
Biodegradation of creosote by white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium and a strains of Pseudomonas
2017 - IRG/WP 17-50329
The aim of this study was to determine degradation effectiveness of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) contained in creosote by white rot fungus and bacteria. The following two species of bacteria Pseudomonas putida and Pseudomonas sp. as well as Phanerochaete chrysosporium fungus characterised by the ability to decompose aromatic compounds were selected for experiments. Bacterial strains were...
J Zabielska-Matejuk, A Stangierska, A Kropacz, E Kaczorek
Exploration of waterlogged piles and wooden constructions of Riga Dome Cathedral
2017 - IRG/WP 17-10901
The Riga Dome Cathedral’s waterlogged wood piles and the roofs and tower's wooden structures were investigated, the extent of biological damage was evaluated, and the wood rot fungi and insects were identified. The pile wood’s component composition and elemental composition were analysed; the wood structure damage by erosion bacteria was microscopically determined. In the roofs and tower ...
B Andersons, I Andersone, I Irbe, V Fridrihsone, R Lūsis
Mechanical, Physical and Biological Properties of Sandwich Biocomposites Panels manufactured from Food Packaging Waste
2017 - IRG/WP 17-40791
Recently, recycling of Tetra Pak® packaging material has attracted many attention, particularly in composite industries. In this work, novel biocomposites sandwich structures were manufactured using TetraPak waste materials as core component and various kind of natural and artificial woven fabrics as skin elements. Mechanical, physical and biological performances of the developed composite panels...
A S O Mohareb, A H Hassanin, K Candelier, M F Thévenon, A Kilic, Z Candan
Natural resistance of Bambusa vulgaris to termite and powder-post beetle attack in laboratory and graveyard tests
2018 - IRG/WP 18-10925
Deterioration is the major setback to the utilisation of bamboo products. To enhance bamboo utilization, an understanding of the level of resistance to degradation is important. In this study, level at which Bambusa vulgaris will naturally resistant attack by subterranean termites and powder-post beetles were evaluated. B. vulgaris aged 2, 3 and 4 years were subjected to attack by subterranean ter...
N A Sadiku, S O Bada
The biodegradation of creosote oil by various species of white rot fungi and bacteria isolated from the contaminated soil
2018 - IRG/WP 18-50334
The aim of the study was to determine biodegradation effectiveness of the selected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) contained in creosote oil, by two white rot fungal species (Bjerkandera adusta and Irpex lacteus) and three bacterial species (Pseudomonas putida, Pseudomonas sp. OS4 and Rahnella aquatilis). Bacteria were isolated from the soil contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons from th...
M Sydow, J Zabielska-Matejuk, E Kaczorek, AStangierska, A Kropacz
Validating a short-term laboratory method to assess the resistance of timber to biodegradation by marine wood-borers
2021 - IRG/WP 21-10975
Novel approaches to protecting wood in coastal and marine environments are needed as the use of traditional broad-spectrum biocides are now restricted. Wood is widely utilised in marine environments where it can be rapidly degraded by wood-boring organisms, causing billions of dollars of damage per annum. Biocidal compounds such as CCA and creosote have been popular treatments for timber products ...
L S Martin, J R Shipway, G P Malyon, S M Cragg
Resistance of phenol formaldehyde impregnated beech (Fagus sylvativa L.) LVL against biodegradation in soil contact
2023 - IRG/WP 23-40965
Alternatives to preservative impregnation are emphasized in Germany and other European countries. Even though these treatments significantly improve wood's resistance to decay, they often do not have a beneficial impact on the dimensional stability. One alternative product, which may be used in ground contact for items like poles and railway sleepers, could be beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) laminated ...
M Slabohm, C Brischke, S Bicke, H Militz