Your search resulted in 124 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.
Uptake by grape plants of preservatives from pressure-treated posts not detected
1975 - IRG/WP 350
Leaf and stem tissue and fruit of grape plants (Vitis rotundifolia Michx. cv. Magnolia) were analyzed for copper, chromium, and arsenic, 1, 2, and 3 years after planting 3 inches from copper-chrome-arsenate or fluor-chrome-arsenate-dinitrophenol-treated southern pine posts. Quantities of copper in leaf and stem tissue and fruit of plants next to posts treated with copper-containing preservatives r...
M P Levi, D Huisingh, W B Nesbitt
Suitability of different termite species for laboratory testing
1982 - IRG/WP 1159
Different termite species were tested in the laboratory to evaluate the effectiveness of insecticides and wood preservatives in wood against termite attack. Determined were the optimum group size and composition, the matrix (vermiculite) volume and its moisture content. Choice feeding tests with fully impregnated wood blocks which are carried out according to a modified EN 117 procedure for Reticu...
U Kny, H Kühne
Pyrethroids: Isomerism and efficacy
1986 - IRG/WP 1284
Pyrethroids are drawing increasing attention to the wood preservative formulators because: ( 3; 6)
a) pyrethroids reveal good efficacy against a large variety of wood boring insects by contact.
b) pyrethroids show good long term efficacy because of their high stability in timber.
c) mammal toxicity is relatively low ( e.g. bats) (9).
d) pyrethroids are almost odorless.
It was found that diffe...
R Gruening, R Pospischil, S Cymorek, W Metzner
Some Experiences with Stake Tests at BAM Test Fields and in the BAM Fungus Cellar
Part 1: Comparison of Results of Visual Assessments and Determinations of Static Moduli of Elasticity (MOE)
2005 - IRG/WP 05-20319
With examples of routine in-ground stake tests differences are shown in the performance of wood preservatives at the BAM test fields Lehre and Horstwalde and in the BAM fungus cellar. Signs of attack of micro-organisms were assessed visually according to EN 252. Periodical determinations of static moduli of elasticity (MOE) revealed the influence of the attack on the elastic properties of the wood...
M Grinda, S Göller
EN 152: Is this Standard Relevant for today’s Wood Preservatives? A Critical Review.
2006 - IRG/WP 06-20331
The paper critically reviews the Blue stain test method described in EN 152 including possible test variables. Whereas EN 152 has been successfully used for solvent borne wood preservatives, it appears that the methodology is not suited for modern water borne products, where the majority fail.
The paper will show that there exist different quality claims not concordant with EN 599-1 within diff...
B Jensen, F Imsgard, J Larsen
Testing durability of treated wood according to EN 252. Interpretation of data from Nordic test fields
2006 - IRG/WP 06-20341
To evaluate the effectiveness of new wood preservatives intended for treated wood in ground use there is a European standard, EN 252. The test shall run for five years before any formal interpretation of the results can be made.
Due to environmental concerns, the use of wood preservatives based on copper, chromium and arsenic (CCA) has been restricted in recent years. As a consequence of restrict...
M L Edlund, F G Evans, K Henriksen, T Nilsson
Resistance of DMDHEU-treated pine wood against termite and fungi attack in field testing according to EN 252. Results after 30 months
2006 - IRG/WP 06-40354
The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness against decay and termite attack of pine sapwood treated with pure and modified DMDHEU in a field test according to European Standard EN 252. Some of the treatments tested were able to increase, within the period of the test reported (30 months), the resistance of the wood both to micro-organisms and termites. The curing process seems to be ...
S Schaffert, L Nunes, A Krause, H Militz
Laboratory Leaching Tests to Study the Effects of Post-Treatment Storage Periods on CCA Leachability and Fixation in Treated Permeable and Refractory Malaysian Hardwoods
2006 - IRG/WP 06-50240
The biological resistance and environmental safety of CCA-treated wood relies on the extent of post-treatment storage fixation of CCA in wood prior to being utilized. A study on the comparative leachability (fixation) of CCA-treated refractory and permeable heartwoods of 3 Malaysian hardwoods subjected to different post-treatment storage (fixation) periods of up to 4 weeks, at 2 laboratory leachin...
A H H Wong, H C Lai, N P T Lim
Current state of world standardization in the toxicometric methods for testing of wood preservatives
2007 - IRG/WP 07-20354
The paper presents an outline of the history of forming standardized toxicometric methods for testing of wood preservatives in the world during last 100 years. Numerous studies resulted in three main methods which are currently used for official and basis assessment of biocides:
- agar-block method in Europe (EN 113);
- soil-block method in the USA and Pacific countries (ASTM D 1413);
- modifi...
J Wazny
Comparison of laboratory termite test methods
2007 - IRG/WP 07-20365
Seven standardized laboratory tests with termites were evaluated. The bioassays were made in accordance with EN 117, SAA32 E08, SAA32 E09, Ebw 02, the American Wood-Preservers’ Association (AWPA) Standard E1-97, the Japan Wood Preserving Association (JWPA) Standard 11 (1) and The Protocols for Assessment of Wood Preservatives. Two different wood preservatives each in three concentrations and add...
H-U Kruschinski, W Unger, A F Preston
Comparative Laboratory Leaching Test Methods to Study Post-Treatment Storage Period Impacts on CCA Leachability and Fixation in Treated Kempas (Koompassia malaccensis) Heartwood
2007 - IRG/WP 07-20376
Three laboratory leaching test methods were compared to determine the effects of different post-treatment storage fixation periods on leachability/fixation of CCA components from treated kempas (Koompassia malaccensis) permeable heartwood. End-sealed test wood blocks of permeable were treated with CCA to target retention of 5.6 kg/m3, immediately stored to fix at ambient conditions for 0 and 48 ho...
A H H Wong, H C Lai
Utilizing Cypress to improve the decay and termite resistance of OSB panels
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10658
OSB panels were manufactured with mixture of pine and cypress heartwood and lignin and tannin based resins in order to propose an eco-friendly wood composite. The resistance of OSB panels was tested against Reticulitermes santonensis according to the EN 118 and EN 117 standards and field tests methods. OSB made from cypress showed more resistance against the tested termite, the resistance decrease...
N Amusant, O Arnould, A Depres, R H Mansouris, T Pizzi, C Baudassé
Termites y otros insectos xiliofagos en bienes arquitectonicos monumentos nacionalos de Colombia
2009 - IRG/WP 08-10679
The incidence of termites and other wood destroying insects was surveyed in ten historical buildings in Colombia. The most common insects were termites (Kalotermes, Cryptotermes, Heterotermes), although numerous decay organisms were also detected, including beetles (Anobium, Lyctus, Cerambycids) and various wood decaying fungi. Structural wood elements were classified according to the degree of a...
M G Ramírez
El Rol de la AWPA en las Normas y Códigos Nacionales e Internacionales
2008 - IRG/WP 08-20389
AWPA Standards for treated wood products are recognized around the World in building codes and architectural specifications. Standardization is important in the global marketplace because it leads to increased safety, reliability, and efficiency. Consumers have a profound awareness of and preference for standardized products, even though businesses sometimes ignore them. Historically, market fa...
C McCown
Control biológico de la mancha azul en madera aserrada de Pinus radiata D. Don.
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10681
Radiata pine wood is highly susceptible to the attack of sapstaining fungi promoting a discoloration which results in important economical losses. The use of chemicals, a customary procedure to prevent its occurrence is becoming nowadays, due to environmental concern, a more questionable practice. The biological control of blue stain fungi with albino isolates of the Ophiostoma genera appear to ...
J Navarrete, A Segura, P Martínez, R Vera, C Segovia, P Herrera, L Reyes, D McNew, T C Harrington, R L Farrell, J M Thwaites, B Held, R A Blanchette
Utilidad práctica de mini estacas en ensayos de campo
2009 - IRG/WP 08-20395
For testing chemicals for the wood against degradation agents of biotic, known as preservatives, both testing in the laboratory and in the fields are used. Field trials (Cemetery stakes) are often accepted as more "real" whose frequency of observation is set to more or less a year in temperate climates and six months or less in tropical situations, taking into accounts the aggressiveness of the so...
O Encinas, J V Puentes, N K Sarmiento, N Mora
Preservación de madera en Uruguay
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30492
Uruguay has a temperate climate and predominantly gently undulating landscape which is naturally suitable for farming activities. Therefore, its economy has always been based upon them and the related industries. In the sixties, the government decided it was necessary to increase forested areas in the country. Based on different consultancies, the legal frame was built in order to promote a sustai...
S Böthig
Utilidad práctica de mini estacas en ensayos de campo
2008 - IRG/WP 08-20395
For testing chemicals for the wood against degradation agents of biotic, known as preservatives, both testing in the laboratory and in the fields are used. Field trials (Cemetery stakes) are often accepted as more "real" whose frequency of observation is set to more or less a year in temperate climates and six months or less in tropical situations, taking into accounts the aggressiveness of the so...
O Encinas, J V Puentes, N K Sarmiento, N Mora
Microscopy evaluation of microbial decay patterns in wood stakes after 6 years in soil contact
2010 - IRG/WP 10-10715
Most studies on wood modification have so far been concerned with service life predictions rather than investigating the decay protection mechanism. Very little is known about the mode of action of these new treatments and about the strategies used by wood degraders in order to utilize the wood material despite a treatment. Access to such knowledge would allow further modification and improvement ...
A Pilgård, C G Björdal
EVIPOL® and EVIPOL®10TK - Lab and field data on the efficacy of cyproconazole and its formulations
2010 - IRG/WP 10-30539
EVIPOL® (= cyproconazole) is one of the triazoles commercially used in wood preservation. Although this active is well established in some geographical regions, little information on its efficacy against decay fungi is published yet. Therefore, threshold values derived from EN113 (after EN73 and EN84) as well as field test data (L-joint and lap-joint) are compiled. The paper focus on water diluta...
H Leithoff
Biological degradation of acetylated wood after 18 years in ground contact and 10 years in marine water
2010 - IRG/WP 10-40522
This paper addresses the resistance to biological degradation of acetylated wood.
Firstly, it presents results from an EN 252 test after 18 years’ exposure. The test is still running in Nordic NWPC test fields, Simlångsdalen in Sweden and Viikki in Finland. Results from this test were presented after 5 years’ exposure ( IRG/WP 97-30139), and showed that the resistance of acetylated wood wit...
P Larsson Brelid, M Westin
Aesthetic service life of coated and uncoated wooden cladding - influencing factors and modelling
2011 - IRG/WP 11-20470
Mould growth on exterior coated cladding façades is an undesirable element and will often shorten the aesthetical service life. Mould growth on painted surfaces is influenced by type and concentration of film fungicides, the paint formulation and the wood substrate itself, and wooden cladding may experience exponential fungal deterioration caused by variation in the climatic factors, often within...
L Ross Gobakken, O A Høibø
Resistance of Consolidated Deteriorated Wood to Wood Decay Fungi
2013 - IRG 13-10812
The main purpose of the experiment was to establish which consolidating products in impregnated wood are the most effective against wood decay fungi. Five different consolidators were tested: Paraloid B-72, Consolidating restaurateur, SG 715 BLANC (epoxy resin), R.712 polyester and the wood consolidant agent containing nano particles, which is still in development.
From the already damaged wood ...
F Pohleven, A Valantič, M Petrič
Changes of fungicidal, mechanical and sorption properties of wood during above ground outdoor exposure
2013 - IRG/WP 13-20513
The aim of this preliminary study was to investigate differences in mechanical, fungicidal, and sorption properties of four different wood species (sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa), common beach (Fagus sylvatica), Norway spruce (Picea abies), and copper-ethanolamine (CuE) impregnated Norway spruce (Picea abies)) that were exposed in the 3rd use class (CEN, 1992) for periods between 4 and 30 months...
N Thaler, M Humar
Visual Inspection – How Important is the Influence of the Evaluator?
2013 - IRG/WP 13-20521
Visual inspection is often a crucial means of judging the efficacy and performance of a preservative. It is used in non-destructive testing in long term exposure trials or simply, when the practical use and precision of the human eye is a good means of measure. As for the procedure described in EN 252, the impression of softness due to decay of the wood has also to be considered. Although, a thumb...
M Klamer, P Larsson Brelid, I Stephan