Your search resulted in 33 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.
Tebuconazole, a new wood-preserving fungicide
1990 - IRG/WP 3634
TEBUCONAZOLE, an anti-fungal triazole compound, has been tested to assess the effectivness as wood preserving fungicide. Tests were made with the active ingredient and also in formulations against basidiomycetes, blue-staining fungi and mould. Results of the DESOWAG laboratories and also from official institutes will be presented. In addition to this there were made different toxicological and eco...
B Wüstenhöfer, H-W Wegen, W Metzner
Discussion of diiodomethyl p-tolyl sulfone (Amical® 48) as a fungicide for wood preservatio
1987 - IRG/WP 3425
The effectiveness of diiodomethyl-p-tolyl sulfone (Amical® 48) as a fungicide for preservation of wood is supported by a discussion of results from the literature and current research programs....
J M Stamm, K J Littel, F M H Casati, M B Friedman
Synergistic effects between 2-HPNO, Irganox 1076 and EDTA on the inhibition of wood degradation by Coriolus versicolor
2004 - IRG/WP 04-30331
The efficiency of 2-hydroxypyridine-N-oxide (2-HPNO) as wood preservative has been investigated. As shown using classical experiments as well as using response surface methodology, the efficiency of 2-HPNO as wood preservative is strongly improved in presence a chelator like EDTA and/or of Irganox 1076 an industrial antioxidant. In these conditions, wood preservative efficiency of the mixture the ...
A Mabicka, S Dumarçay, N Rouhier, M Linder, J P Jacquot, P Gérardin, E Gelhaye
Mold inhibition on unseasoned southern pine
2003 - IRG/WP 03-10465
Concerns about indoor air quality due to mold growth have increased dramatically in the United States. In the absence of moisture management, fungicides need to be developed for indoor use to control mold establishment. An ideal fungicide for prevention of indoor mold growth on wood-based materials needs to specifically prevent spore germination and provide long-term protection under conditions of...
C A Clausen, V W Yang
Evaluation of an alkyl ammonium compound as a fungicide to control sapstain and mould during diffusion storage
1984 - IRG/WP 3282
An alkyl ammonium compound ('Akzo' ES 255) was evaluated for its effectiveness against mould and sapstain during diffusion storage of boron-treated rubber wood. Though ES 255 at 1.0% concentration was effective against mould (71%) and sapstain (89%) it is less satisfactory compared to 0.5% sodium pentachlorophenoxide against mould (92%) and sapstain (98%)....
R Gnanaharan
Tolylfluanid - fungicide against blue stain in service
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3736
Physical and chemical properties and efficacy of Tolylfluanid are compared with the properties of Dichlofluanid. Whereas the difference in the molecular structure influences the physical properties significantly, the efficacy of both fungicides is comparable. The toxicological and ecotoxicological profile of Tolylfluanid is summarised....
H-U Buschhaus
Tebuconazole - a new triazole fungicide for wood preservation
1991 - IRG/WP 3680
The great potential of Tebuconazole for wood preservation is demonstrated. Test carried out by official institutes shown that Tebuconazole is particularly effective against wood-rotting basidiomycetes strains. The efficacy of Tebuconazole against the brown rot Gloeophyllum trabeum is outstanding: the toxic value measured in accordane with EN 113, without·ageing, after leaching (EN 84) and after e...
O Exner
The use of TCMTB in applications other than sapstain prevention: A review
1990 - IRG/WP 3606
The efficacy of TCMTB against staining fungi and surface moulds has been thoroughly investigated during the last decade. As a result, the chemical is used as an alternative to the chlorinated phenols in various parts of the world for the preservation of freshly sawn timber. Less known are the data obtained against brown rot, white rot and soft rot fungi. The termite repellent and bactericidal prop...
R Van der Eynde
Resistance of painted wood to mould fungi. Part 2. The effect of wood substrate and acrylate paint systems on mould growth
1997 - IRG/WP 97-10234
Resistance of acrylate paint systems on different types of pine and spruce sapwood to mould fungi was studied. Dipping into the preservative prior to painting, a primer with and without a fungicide (propiconazole + IPBC 0.50 + 0.2%) and a topcoat with and without a fungicide (propiconazole + IPBC 0.25 + 0.12%) were combinations of the treatments studied. The efficacy of the treatment systems varie...
H Viitanen, P Ahola
Evaluating possibilities of leaching of deltamethrin and TCMTB (insecticides and fungicide for protecting wood) by rain water or by soaking in water
1988 - IRG/WP 3464
Deltamethrin and TCMTB have been subjected to several field leaching tests on freshly fallen trees and in the laboratory, using standard EN 84. All the trials gave the same results and confirm that Deltamethrin and TCMTB are not washed out after they have been allowed to penetrate the trunk surface properly. According to the EN 84 standard, less than 1% Deltamethrin and less than 1.7% TCMTB were r...
J S Duguet, V Dartigues
Integrated protection of freshly sawn lumber using Bacillus subtilis and selected fungicide
1997 - IRG/WP 97-10235
Bioprotection against stain fungi has tremendous potential for reducing discoloration of freshly sawn wood while decreasing chemical consumption. Unfortunately, most bioprotectants appear to be unable to consistently perform under the array of conditions to which freshly sawn wood is exposed. While research is underway to understand the nature of the inconsistent performance, a more pragmatic appr...
M E Mankowski, M Anderson, J J Morrell
Properties-enhanced albizzia particleboards by incorporating fungicide and insecticide in the glue
1994 - IRG/WP 94-30060
Preservative-treated particleboards were prepared by using tropical fast-growing albizzia and adding fungicides and insecticides to the adhesive-glue. the physical and biological properties of these boards were evaluated. No significant reduction in bending or internal-bond strength due to incorporation of the chemicals was detected. Treated particleboards effectively resisted attack by Coptoterme...
B Subiyanto, S Yusuf, Y Imamura, S Fushiki, T Saito, T Katuzawa
Tebuconazole - A new triazole fungicide for wood preservation
1990 - IRG/WP 3629
The main cause of economic damage to timber and millwork worldwide are Basidiomycetes (brown and white rot). After testing a wide range of triazole derivatives for their effectiveness against decay fungi, Tebuconazole, a triazole compound, was selected. The physico-chemical, toxicological and ecotoxicological data of this substance are described. Tebuconazole is unleachable, light-stable, heat-sta...
R Gründlinger, O Exner
The suitability of isothiazolone microemulsions as long term wood preservatives
1997 - IRG/WP 97-30150
Microemulsion formulations of 4,5 dichloro-2-n-octyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one were investigated to determine the leaching potential of these formulation types as well as their efficacy against decay fungi. These patented low leaching formulations exhibited good anti fungal efficacy in standard tests combined with minimal leaching of the active ingredient from the wood. The data suggests that the excel...
B M Hegarty, Bing Yu, L E Leightley
IPBC - A new fungicide for wood protection
1984 - IRG/WP 3295
3-iodo-2-propynyl butyl carbamate (IPBC) is presented as a potential low toxic alternative to pentachlorophenol and the sodium chlorophenoxides. Data on its effect against basidiomycetes is shown. Tests according to both the European standard method, EN-113, and American, ASTM D-413, have shown its potential. The chemical gives protection against both the wood destroying fungi, blue stain, mould and algae. It is possible to have it formulated in both water-based and organic solvent-based products. Treatment of wood out of ground contact (vac-vac products, pretreatment products, primers, stains, etc.) and sapstain control are some of the most potential end use areas within wood protection. Besides wood protection, the IPBC is used as a fungicide in paint, adhesives, caulks and sealants, cement, leather, paper, cutting oil, ink and in different roofing materials.
J Hansen
Practical experiments with Boracol 10 Rh used as a fungicide in the repair process after attack by the dry rot fungus (Serpula lacrymans)
1987 - IRG/WP 3458
The test is carried out in an old house in Nyhavn, Copenhagen. The roof and the walls close to were heavily attacked by dry rot fungus (Serpula lacrymans) because damage to the zinc covering the frontspice were letting in water to the wood and wall construction. An attack by the dry rot fungus is more complicated to repair compared with other wood destroying fungi because beside the damage on wood...
J Bech-Andersen
Suitability of propiconazole (R 49362) as a new-generation fungicide
1989 - IRG/WP 3529
Propiconazole (R 49362), an anti-fungal triazole-compound of Janssen Pharmaceutica, has been extensively tested to determine its potential use as a wood preserving fungicide. Various tests in both private laboratories and official institutes indicate a good activity against Basidiomycetes (brown and white rot) and Ascomycetes (blue stain-in-service). The active ingredient seems very resistant to w...
A R Valcke
A laboratory evaluation of tributyltin ethanesulphonate as an aqueous fungicide in wood preservation
1983 - IRG/WP 3229
Toxic limit data, using both leached and unleached wood test blocks, are reported for aqueous solutions of tributyltin ethanesulphonate against four Basidiomycete fungi, Poria placenta, Gloeophyllum trabeum, Coriolus versicolor and Coniophora puteana. An in situ study of the tributyltin compound in Scots pine and ponderosa pine sapwood has been carried out, using the technique of 119mSn Mössbauer...
R Hill, P J Smith, J N R Ruddick, K W Sweatman
Evaluation of tropolone as a wood preservative : activity and mode of action
2002 - IRG/WP 02-30282
The fungicidal activity of 2-hydroxy cyclohepta-2,4,6-trienone (tropolone) analogue of b-thujaplicin a natural product responsible for the durability of heart wood of several
cupressaceous trees was investigated in vitro on growth of white and brown rot fungi. Results obtained show that tropolone, easily prepared from commercially available products,
possesses strong fungicidal activity similar ...
P Gérardin, M Baya, N Delbarre, P N Diouf, D Perrin, P Soulounganga, E Gelhaye,
J P Jacquot, C Rapin
The biocidal efficacy of sulphates against basidiomycetes
1999 - IRG/WP 99-30192
Copper sulphate is used for the preservation of wood since decades. However, if copper sulphate is not combined with a compound it can be leached up to 50% and more from the treated wood. Previous results for leached wood indicated that the loss of biological efficacy against soft rot corresponds to leaching of copper. For basidiomycetes, however, the effectiveness decreases much more rapidly. The...
H Leithoff, E Melcher
An immunoassay for benzyldimethyldodecylammonium chloride, a multipurpose disinfectant and fungicide
1997 - IRG/WP 97-30149
A competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), based on polyclonal antibodies, was developed to measure benzyldimethyldodecylammonium chloride (BDDAC). The anti-BDDAC polyclonal antibodies recognized free BDDAC in an indirect competitive ELISA. The detection limit. based on the 20% inhibition (IC20), was 0.18 µg/ml and the 50% inhibition (IC50) was 1.1 µg/ml. The antibodies recognised ...
J Bull, A N Serreqi, Tao Chen, C Breuil
Bethoguard; A new wood protecting fungicide for use in metal free ground contact wood preservatives
2002 - IRG/WP 02-30301
Research has identified the limitations in both the spectrum of activity and permanence of organic biocides placed in wood in high hazard environments, particularly in the absence of heavy metals such as copper. More specifically, the control of soft rot decay in wood in soil contact has proven to be most problematic.
The new organic biocide, Bethoguard; an oxathiazine, has demonstrated excellen...
S C Forster, G R Williams, M Van Der Flaas, M Bacon, J Gors
Efficacies of an insecticide and a fungicide for preventing blue-stain of Japanese red pine logs
2006 - IRG/WP 06-20329
We examined blue-stain fungi on Japanese red pine at 3 forests and 2 saw mills in Iwate Prefecture, Japan. The isolated ophiostomatoid fungi were Leptographium sp and Ophiostoma sp. There were 3 routes of the blue-stain; fungal growth from the spore or hypha stuck on the cross cut surfaces, fungal spread through the inner bark by bark beetles and fungal invasion around whorled knot. The larger ext...
H Taniuchi, T Koiwa, H Masuya, S Doi
The Development of a novel method to preserve reeds using an environmentally friendly timber preservative and a unique engineering design.
2006 - IRG/WP 06-40335
Reeds are used in the construction of bush lodges in Northern Kwa- Zulu Natal, South Africa. Fungal, insect and ultra-violet damage to these reeds is posing a severe problem. Within a space of two years, the reeds are attacked and have to be subsequently replaced; a time consuming and costly exercise. A novel method has been used to successfully preserve these reeds with an environmentally friendl...
K Govender, K G Moodley
Silver – The Next Generation Wood Preservative
2007 - IRG/WP 07-30419
The successful introduction and commercial use of products designed to have controlled release of silver ion over long time periods prompted the Silver Research Consortium and the US Forest Products Laboratory to undertake research to see if silver could also be an effective wood preservative to be used in place of chromated copper arsenate (CCA) now prohibited for use in the United States and els...
J R Ellis, K Jayachandran, D Nicholas