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Your search resulted in 54 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Durability of Bamboos in India against termites and fungi and chemical treatments for its enhancement
2005 - IRG/WP 05-10553
Bamboo is a very important forest resource that benefits the life of people in a myriad ways including meeting the need for structural uses like posts, pole fencing, scaffoldings, house building, etc. Although it is one of the strongest structural material available, often succumbs to fungal decay and biodeterioration by insects (termites and powder post beetles) during storage and usage. Studies...
O K Remadevi, R Muthukrishnan, H C Nagaveni, R Sundararaj, G Vijayalakshmi

The residual effects of remedial timber treatments on bats
1986 - IRG/WP 1281
By means of controlled laboratory experiments it was established that timber treatment fluids containing g-HCH and pentachlorophenol (PCP) and used according to manufacturers recommendations rapidly cause the death of pipistrelle bats roosting in contact with timber treated between six weeks and 14 months previously. The chemicals responsible are presumably ingested when the bats groom their fur a...
P A Racey, S M Swift

Silafluofen, a new insecticide against wood-boring insects and termites
1991 - IRG/WP 3666
Hoe 084498 (proposed common name: Silafluofen) is a new insecticidal compound from Hoechst Aktiengeesellschaft and has been extensively tested to determine its potential use as an insecticide against wood-boring insects and soil termites. Various tests in official institutes indicate a good activity against several wood-boring insects and soil termites. The active ingredient is resistant to weathe...
G Rustenburg, C J Klaver

Screening techniques for potential wood preservative chemicals. Proceedings of a special seminar held in association with the 10th Annual Meeting of the IRG, Peebles 1978. Report No 136, 1979
1980 - IRG/WP 2138
This paper continues following issues: I. SCREENING INSECTICIDES 1) R W Berry (BRE/PRL, UK): Screen testing of insecticides for use in remedial wood preservatives. 2) D J Cross (FRI, New Zealand): Rapid screening of contact insecticides for use on forest products. 3) C R Coggins; A Forsyth; A E Glaser (Rentokil, UK): Experience in the use of indicative screening techniques for termiticides. ...

Laboratory evaluation of copper naphthenate pressure treatments against the Formosan subterranean termite
1993 - IRG/WP 93-10005
Southern pine wafers and Douglas-fir cubes pressure treated with copper naphthenate in AWPA P9 Type A oil or in toluene were evaluated for resistance to attack by the Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae). Wood samples were pressure treated to target copper retentions of 0.040, 0.075, 0.095, or 0.150 pcf, conditioned to simulate field exposure, a...
J K Grace, R T Yamamoto, P E Laks

Worker aggregation and baiting for management of subterranean termites
1994 - IRG/WP 94-10052
Environmental concern in the current use of cyclodiene and other chemicals for subterranean termite control had led to search of alternative environmental friendly management strategies. Worker aggregation and baiting are promising strategies. Aggregation is mediated through food recognition, attraction to some synthetic chemicals such as d-camphor, cinnamyl alcohol and sereral styryl compounds, s...
P K Sen-Sarma

Introducing bamboos for their importance and conservation
2005 - IRG/WP 05-10546
Bamboo is a socio-economically, industrially and environmentally important forest and rural crop in Asia. It is an essential task for the people in this region to conserve the bamboos and preserve the bamboo products for their sustainable continuity. An earnest need for this task is to introduce a variety of important information on bamboos. In this research paper the botanical position, distribut...
A K Lahiry

Bibliographie sur les produits organiques en solvant pour la préservation du bois
1972 - IRG/WP 313
Le présent travail exécuté dans le cadre do la Section III du Groupe International de la Préservation du bois a pour but de rassembler, en vue d'éventuelles études plus approfondies sur le sujet ou sur l'un de ses aspects, les principales et relativement récentes références sur les produits de protection des bois en solvant, souvent appelés, et parfois improprement, pro...
H Alliot

Special seminar on screening techniques for potential wood preservative chemicals
1978 - IRG/WP 2113
This paper continues following issues: I. SCREENING INSECTICIDES 1) R W Berry (BRE/PRL, UK): Screen testing of insecticides for use in remedial wood preservatives. 2) D J Cross (FRI, New Zealand): Rapid screening of contact insecticides for use on forest products. 3) C R Coggins; A Forsyth; A E Glaser (Rentokil, UK): Experience in the use of indicative screening techniques for termiticides. ...

Termiticide degradation in Mississippi field tests
1994 - IRG/WP 94-30052
Degradation rates of some currently marketed United States termiticides are currently being studied. Separate quantities of soil were each treated at lowest label rates with termiticide, and placed in trenches along the inside and outside of concrete walls. Composite soil samples, each consisting of four soil cores, were collected after 1, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240, and 365 days, and again at 2 and 3 ...
B M Kard

Glass splinters as physical termite barriers: Optimized material properties in use with and without insecticidal pretreatment minimizes environmental contaminations
1991 - IRG/WP 1476
The major advantage of physically acting barriers against termites using sand or cinder is to be impenetrable for a number of termite species by showing environmental compatibility in a high degree. The major disadvantage of these barriers is the ability of termites to build galleries over them. Glass or glass-like materials are showing optimum material properties: crushed to a particle size from ...
M Pallaske, A Igarashi

A review of the efficacy and uses of deltamethrin for wood preservation
1996 - IRG/WP 96-30105
The synthetic pyrethroid deltamethrin, is one of the most active insecticides available for protecting and curing wood from attack by beetles and termites. Freshly felled trees can be protected against bark beetles by spraying to run off with a 0.025% Al solution (K-Otek EC25) with negligible leaching. Alternatively, sawn timber may be dipped in a 0.0125% Al solution for short to medium term prote...
A J Adams, J L Lindars

Protection of freshly felled timber against attack by bark boring insects
1981 - IRG/WP 1143
This report describes two experiments with the insecticide formulation Perigen, which contains the synthetic pyrethroid permethrin. At 0.2% w/v active ingredient individual logs were protected against bark boring beetles for 18 weeks. At 0.3% w/v active ingredients Perigen gave similar protection against insect attack to stacks of recently felled unbarked pine logs. This protection was at least eq...
J Dominik, P R Skidmore

Future insecticidal treatments for wood products
1980 - IRG/WP 3140
Protective measures involving chemical treatment of wood use only a narrow range of toxic materials which are divisible into two groups, (i) those that are water-soluble, (ii) those that are soluble only in organic solvents. It is generally true to say that, as far as protection against insects is concerned, the former are stomach poisons while the latter are largely (though not exclusively) conta...
D J Cross

Screening test methods with termites as first laboratory evaluation of new active substances for wood preservation
1995 - IRG/WP 95-10135
European test methods (EN) with termites have been compared with long-standing experience from screening test methods in the laboratory of Eberswalde. The results are discussed in terms on the possibility of using screening test methods as the first laboratory evaluation of new active substances in wood preservatives. The advantages and disadvantages of these methods are considered. Only a small a...
W Unger

Oral toxicity of a slow-acting insecticide Amdro® to the Formosan subterranean termite
1982 - IRG/WP 1162
The use of toxic baits to control the Formosan subterranean termite Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki requires an insecticide that is non-repellent and sufficiently slow acting that poisoned termites leave treated areas before dying. Of the many insecticides screened, only Amdro® exhibited these characteristics. The oral toxicity (LD 50) of Amdro® to Coptotermes formosanus was estimated at 12.33 µ...
N-Y Su, M Tamashiro, J R Yates III

The effect of synthetic pyrethroid insecticides on post-treatment emergence of Anobium punctatum
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1568
Data is presented from trials in which wood specimens, treated with a range of remedial insecticidal formulations, were aged in a roof void for 5 years and then tested for emergence of adult Anobium punctatum. The technique used followed that described in IRG/WP/2175. The results from formulations containing synthetic pyrethroids are compared with those from formulations containing the chlorinated...
R W Berry

List of fungi in soft-rot tests
1975 - IRG/WP 105
This list gives information on the terrestrial and marine species and strains of fungi tested for soft-rot ability in pure culture with data on their decay activity in untreated wood. An index of the timber species tested is added. The compilation is based on 1) the list of soft-rot fungi of the former OECD Group (Doc.No. 27/DAS/CSI/M/559), Oct. 1968, prepared by R. Rösch and W. Liese, 2) informa...
G Seehann, W Liese, B Kess

Glue-line additives for protecting plywood. A review
1978 - IRG/WP 2102
The conclusions of this review are: 1) Insecticidal glue-line additives can be used satisfactorily to protect plywood against insect attack. 2) It is uncertain, in spite of some claims, wether fungicidal glue-line additives can be similarly used to protect plywood against fungi under damp conditiones. There is a need for further work to validate the mycological tests that may be used to investigat...
R Cockcroft

Laboratory evaluation of AC 217,300 as a termiticidal dust
1983 - IRG/WP 3247
Laboratory bioassays are described with the amidinohydrazone, AC217,300, a candidate termiticide to replace arsenic trioxide in termite control. When used as a dust and topically applied, AC217,300 was toxic to Coptotermes acinaciformis and Mastotermes darwiniensis. Although arsenic trioxide dust causes faster mortality in Coptotermes acinaciformis than AC217,300 dust, the latter has lower mammali...
J R J French, P J Robinson

Efficacy of Avermectin B1 dust and bait formulations in new simulated and accelerated field tests
1985 - IRG/WP 1257
Avermectin B1 on a silica carrier dust was used in dust and bait formulations whose efficacy against Reticulitermes flavipes was assessed in new simulated and accelerated field tests. A 0.5 mg avermectin/mg dust and a bait with 50 ppm avermectin in paper pulp sandwiched between pieces of corrugated boxboard caused nearly complete mortality in bioassays and suppression of foraging in field tests. T...
G R Esenther

A novel technique for comparative toxicity studies of potential insecticidal wood preservatives
1983 - IRG/WP 2198
For some years now a device has been under development at the New Zealand Forest Research Institute, the purpose of which is to study the effects of sub-lethal amounts of stomach poisons (but also of fumigants and contact active materials) on the co-ordinative abilities of a cerambycid larva. This insect is Prionoplus reticularis - indigenous to New Zealand its larvae feed in decaying logs and are...
D J Cross

Boracol 40 - A potential remedial and preservative treatment for lyctids
1983 - IRG/WP 1192
The paper reports on a preliminary assessment of the efficacy of a diffusion formulation, Boracol 40, when applied as a brush treatment: to the surface of Eucalyptus obliqua against the powder-post borer Lyctus brunneus. After a five month bioassay, Boracol 40 has severely retarded the progress of active infestations of Lyctus brunneus and has been 100 per cent effective as a preventative treatmen...
J W Creffield, H Greaves, C D Howick

New research data confirming the suitability of bifenthrin as a wood preservative
1996 - IRG/WP 96-30116
Bifenthrin has been further tested against wood destroying insects, and its behaviour in wood has been extensively studied. Bifenthrin proved to be highly effective as a curative and preventative treatment against Anobium punctatum and Hylotrupes bajulus, after both leaching and evaporative ageing. Results of penetration tests with water and solvent based formulations, applied by brushing, dipping...
S Shires, P Héloir, B Chen, G Rustenburg

Permethrin: A Critical Review of an Effective Wood Preservative Insecticide
2007 - IRG/WP 07-30413
Permethrin is a synthetic pyrethroid used in the wood preservation industry. The generally favorable environmental profile of pyrethroids coupled with their high efficacy led to their wide substitution of the chemically resistant organochlorines dieldrin, lindane, and chlordane formerly used for protection of buildings against wood destroying organisms. Much of the research on performance of perm...
M H Freeman, D N Obanda, T F Shupe

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