Your search resulted in 5 documents.
Natural resistance of Bambusa vulgaris to termite and powder-post beetle attack in laboratory and graveyard tests
2018 - IRG/WP 18-10925
Deterioration is the major setback to the utilisation of bamboo products. To enhance bamboo utilization, an understanding of the level of resistance to degradation is important. In this study, level at which Bambusa vulgaris will naturally resistant attack by subterranean termites and powder-post beetles were evaluated. B. vulgaris aged 2, 3 and 4 years were subjected to attack by subterranean ter...
N A Sadiku, S O Bada
A note on the distribution of copper-chrome-boric (CCB) along the culm length of freshly felled bamboo treated by modified Boucherie process
2005 - IRG/WP 05-40317
Preservative treatment of green and dry bamboo poses severe problems. A number of bamboo/ wood preservatives (Chemical formulations) for the destroying organism like fungi, borers and termites etc. In this paper we reported preliminary results of treatment of fresh green round bamboo attached with baranches by modified Boucheri process. Sample full length of an Indian species of bamboo Dendrocalam...
R Lal, C N Vani
Invasion and colonisation of bamboo culm material by stain and decay fungi
2002 - IRG/WP 02-10453
Two distinct stages of the fungal infection of bamboo culms can be identified: entry into the culm itself (invasion) and further colonisation by spread within the culm wall tissue. This laboratory study aimed to characterise different invasion strategies of a variety of fungi.
Well-known isolates of white- (Coriolus versicolor, Schizophyllum commune), brown- (Coniophora puteana, Gloeophyllum tra...
G Kleist, I Morris, R J Murphy
The natural durability and preservative treatability of 11 bamboo species
2010 - IRG/WP 10-10708
Tests on the natural durability and preservative treatability of 11 common bamboo species were conducted. The results showed that there was a linear relation between bamboo density and its preservative retention by mass, and the preservative retention of bamboo reduced while its density increased. The test also showed that there were significant differences in the natural durability of bamboos, bu...
Chen Lifang, Su Haitao, Zhang Yanjun, Wang Yuxia, He Xuexiang, Ma Hongxia, Xie Guijun
Microwave Modification of Bamboo Culm to Improve Permeability
2012 - IRG/WP 12-40592
Bamboo is a woody, valuable and strong material that has been used for a long time. In spite of its numerous beneficial properties, bamboo is susceptible to attack by fungus and insect therefore preservative treatment is regarded as necessary. Preservative treatment must provide sufficient uptake and even distribution in the culms for adequate protection. The treatability of dry bamboo, however, i...
K Sugiyanto, P Vinden, G Torgovnikov, S Przewloka